
As the world’s most fun party person I must inform you: that’s only two points as it was not a shot attempt on that goal.

To be honest, I think what they did here is odious. If they keep protesting on friday nights, I bet they’ll take a lot of shit for it back in class and grow to really hate Mondays. If I were a student there I would think they should flush their protest right down the Jon. I’m sick and tired of the division in this

a few years ago I mocked up what I thought would be the perfect Tebow logo and on-field cleat.

Nope, no way to make birds racist.

He might not get traded.

This news is especially sad considering early reports that it was all fun and games.

He’s already demanded a trade to the Pirates.

In a literal fight between a bunch of warriors and a bunch of baby cows, who would win? Don’t be so quick to say the group of warriors would do it. The Rock has some pretty big calves. And sometimes, a calf will bite you. Also, why won’t this headache go away? And why does it smell like burning feathers?

The great thing about Thompson is he adapts himself to the needs of the situation. Klay is malleable.

I wouldn’t have the balls to sue someone that large.

It's a fabrication about majors. It was a pun, dummy.

Some asshole stole Bartolo Colon’s belt and is showing it off in the background.

While everyone else is arguing over intent, let me propose this:

Nice to see good bears in Chicago, someone should probably DM John Fox

That’d be a dick move if you ask me.

Possible third option: the GOP convention will predictably result in the complete and total destruction of the city just before the football season starts, the Browns’ season will be cancelled, and all will generally agree that things worked out for the best.

“Hey Dan, trade the #1 pick with a bright future, who also happens to play my preferred position, for Kevin Love or I don’t come back to Cleveland.”

(crowd lustily boos lack of effort)