

Those articles were great!


Hold on, that first Fart Sandwich is Dennis Lee! He used to write here!

So that's getting cut out.

How violent were the books? The BBFC has also classified the movie as suitable for children 12+ so there's no way this gets an R.

For me, the worst part was the IT trailer. But it was the worst part of Spider-Man Homecoming

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I'm referring to Holly- you're right about Brady.

Well, it has the most turning efficiency.
I meant that the character of "emotionally disturbed, plain-looking 45-year-old" is played by a 26-year old model. Hmm.

I'm halfway through End Of Watch, and it has so far done a bad job incorporating the things. Still good though.

I really liked this book, but the show has one terrible casting choice already.

I remembered that after I looked it up.

I actually looked up "Rob Schneider polio" before I remembered that polio was cured over fifty years ago.

Why not just dye Rob Schneider's skin? He's so young and charming!

I hope it turns out to be just the right kind of so bad it's good garbage.

When I went to see Baby Driver, I got an inappropriate trailer double-header of The Emoji movie placed next to It.

If by "inner turmoil" you mean "crappy shwarma" then yes.

And that's the tooth!

I recently rewatched both of them- I think both Dawn and Rise are very good.