
It was incredible- absolutely go see it now. It really says something about Edgar Wright when my new favorite film of the year is second-best to Hot Fuzz, the only other Wright film I've seen.

Like January's hit movie, Monster Trucks!

Why is it that? It honors good animated films and is far from meaningless, as movies that win the Oscar earn respect and high regard. Sure, the Academy sometimes makes dumb decisions but they do that in all categories.

The first one is so much funnier, though.

True- that year we had Frozen (which deserved it that year), DM2, The Croods (really??), a French film and a Japanese film. I don't watch much anime, but there definitely could have been something to fill the gap.

What else is steampunk even about besides bronze? (I'm pretty sure that show is called Steampunk'd, which is an awesomely terrible name)

Despicable Me and Monsters Inc are two of my favorite animated films, and I think they should have even won Oscars for their respective years. DM2 and University are both just… fine?

Get your paws off me, you damn dirty app!

Apps together strong

How does this show even make money? I have an Apple TV, and I haven't seen any advertising for it and don't even know where to access it. Do I have to pay for a subscription or something?

Okay, except I really want to see her in Infinity War.

2010 was such a strong year for animation, and 2013 was not so strong. We know this because the first Despicable Me wasn't nominated for an Oscar (seriously) while the second one actually was.

I think it's going to Hulu at some point in the future- its distributor (Neon Pictures) has a Hulu deal for all of its films. I'll definitely be watching it there.

Definitely- I don't really get the hate for her, but she is very funny in this, and has great chemistry with Sudeikis for the whole movie.

Colossal was excellent- probably my favorite movie of the year so far.

So we take the stars of the "Look Who's Talking" series and put them behind the wheel? Sounds great!

I went today, and there were maybe about 10 other people with me… certainly not packed. Read my previous comment before you ask me how it was :)

I went to go see this today, and the projector broke- of course. Thankfully, it broke before the film started (we stared at a black screen for 10 minutes before the guy came in to tell us) and we got 2 guest passes each. We wanted to get cash, but they wouldn't allow it because I had the tickets on my phone. Repeat

The secret ingredient was inside Guy all along! No, really, it's just Guy's sweat collected in vats.

Didn't we already know this? That it would be 2 hours (really 85 mins), and that it would premiere on Sep 29? My question is whether the IMAX release has extra features or deleted scenes that would make me spend money on seeing it.