
Next video will be showing the kids taking apart the cars, removing the neodymium magnets, and then promptly smashing their fingers.

That article also says “27 inch” not 21.5 inch.

I would guess that these would use the Broadwell parts with eDRAM that have pretty decent graphics performance, better than any of the AMD APUs.

Being overly cautious is better than accidentally running a pedestrian over. Cars you can fix and they’re good as new for the most part, people not so much.

Great, hopefully it’ll take Ubuntu without too much trouble.

Basically anything with linear switches. Cherry MX reds are a little light, black feels pretty good to me.

Basically anything with linear switches. Cherry MX reds are a little light, black feels pretty good to me.

But he’s really good at supporting things he doesn’t understand!

I guess this depends on whether they will auto-fail emissions if you haven’t done the recall.

If I really wanted to I could dig up my old phone from the closet. But by the time it gets to my city I’m sure there will be an iOS version ready.

Well, if you look at the Amazon Flex engineering job openings there are iOS development positions. I guess it’s just not ready yet.

I thought it was a good idea and I still do. Yes, this sucks for people that have limited data plans, but for me I have 20+ GB per month (because of data rollover) and now I don’t have to reset wifi anymore.

Requires Android phone. WTF.

I’m guessing you’re not much of a *nix user. Mac gives me a nice command line environment without having to install sh*tty cygwin. I suppose I’m an exception as I’d rather use vim for development than any IDE.

I still think MacBook Air will get a redesign soon, maybe early next year at the latest. The chassis hasn’t really changed since 2010. The issue with going with anything else is that it comes with Windows.

I know right?

This is like people who drive humongous trucks and take up two or more spaces. “Sorry, my truck won’t fit otherwise”. Thanks douchebag, thanks.

Yea I still have one of these, along with a box of ATAPI floppy drives. The drives aren’t the problem, it’s getting old floppy disks working.

You young’ns with your huge flash drives. I still have the first 8 MB drive that I bought for $40 back in the day. Doubt it still works though...

And along comes a toddler, who topples your TV and laptop beside her...

And along comes a toddler, who topples your TV and laptop beside her...

I believe that’s a very old game console. The controllers look like pong wheels. And the gun probably a light gun of some sorts.