
Ye, but is it gross and racist?

What does the WHO have to do with Peer reviewed science and basic facts?
They didn't come up with this concept and as you can seem it seems that the entire world has bought into to what is essentially global warming denial at the human biology level.

If you can give me one peer reviewed study that didn't come from Gender studies professors i will retract my statement.

I had exactly zero remarks about gender reassignment procedures, my only comments were about scientific facts.
People have the right to do whatever they want with their bodies.

Sex = Gender.
What you listed are syndromes not a new gender.
The fact that you are arguing that there are more then 2 genders is really astounding.

You can read about Gender on wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…
TL/DR: XX chromosomes means you are a female and XY means you are a male. This is a very simple concept.

Well i tip my hat off to you sir, the last sane man left on the AV Club comment section.

I went through several pages of comments just to see if anyone would post this…There are only two genders: Male / Female.
That other stuff you are talking about is sexuality not gender.
A trans guy or gal is still born with male or female genitalia and not feeling as being a part of that gender does not mean you decide

The writing on the Israeli officers uniform were backwards. I can't tell if this was supposed to be a joke or if someone photo copied the tags wrong.