

Uhhh... abuse doesn’t get me off.

Bikers are not pedestrians.

Nope, but when Cyclists pretend they’re the greatest we get this kind of assumption. You go 20mph at best... cars go 40. You don’t think that is inherently more dangerous for you? Most traffic accidents are caused by speed discrepancy. When a bike goes at best 15 mph against 50 mph travels who legally share the road?

Support insane salaries for white men.

Have you ever even opened an American Civics book? Because you’re wrong in every single way.

Also, how about offering salary at 0% for people who have million-dollar annual investments? Rich people need more unearned income?

Sure, for rich people.

Wow... just ignore the issues and feel good about yourself. Amazing how your “takedown” of me is all about YOU.

They don’t have “Journalism” majors. Every Gawker writer has a degree in shit stirring.

If the liberal media weren’t so gung-ho to give him time on screen...

Joke is on you. Trump gets richer and we all complain about language used.

See, you make allies hate you. And we’re not fucking simplistic “Feminist” allies... we’re the people who desire... fuck it. Go be a middle-class feminist. Whatever. Go better things for you.

Maybe the larger populous aren’t actually capable of making good decisions for themselves?

Our outrage about this should only go as far as we have outrage for a Clinton being a Clinton and wanting money to go to the Clinton Foundation where most donations are used to pay exorbitant exec salaries.

Wow... this gets a response and actual critique of Unilever’s very awful practice gets... ignored?

If Feminists were actual leftists instead of being primarily interested in personal gain we’d never be here. Thiel sees someone who is willing to make the justice system bend to their desires. That’s his whole desire.

Petulant Children don’t cop to mistakes.

It was about black men in the 80s and 90s.