I dunno. Making a joke about rape that hinges on the subject being raped making them more attractive is kinda like... really messed up?
I dunno. Making a joke about rape that hinges on the subject being raped making them more attractive is kinda like... really messed up?
Rape isn’t a joke.
How about some classic Chumawamba?
Hm. I’m now understanding my aversion to pretty much all you mentioned over the past year or so.
So the University finally decides to get serious about sexual assault, but gets sued because the case they choose to get serious about is against a person who isn’t Caucasian?
Actually, for the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause race doesn’t even have to be a factor. Most mass arrests for vehicular crimes (such as bikers actually doing illegal stuffs) come from non-vehicular charges such as conspiracy and unlawful assembly or blocking a public roadway.
Just as an aside asking if you got pulled over because you were the only one the cop could actually catch is a bad idea as well.
You know how in school the teacher would tell you off for talking and you’d say “Suzie was talking too!” and the teacher would say “now now, if you got pulled over for speeding you wouldn’t tell the police officer that it’s not fair because someone else ahead of you was speeding, too, would you?”
That isn’t the endpoint here at all.
And also, in this case, easy for the university to prove he’s full of shit because he’d have to show other people weren’t punished in the same period as he was, in light of the push against sexism on campuses.
The endpoint is that institutions couldn’t expect to punish one minority while giving the pass to whites. This isn’t, at all, about an endpoint that would even come anywhere close to legalizing what he was fired for. It is essentially an Equal-Protection argument, which is the core of any and all social justice law.
So his argument essentially boils down to “sure I groped those women, but white guys don’t get fired for that so I shouldn’t be either”?
This is corporate Feminism at it’s best. Equal exploitation in the name of exec profits.
This is a perfect example of benevolent sexism.
Look, what you present here is absolutely anti-Democracy and in support of an oligarchical political establishment. You’re literally trying to justify ways of disenfranchising voters because you don’t like their candidates.
I mean, fuck poets, right? Their desire for a better world and... fuck it there’s no money in poetry so who cares what poets think, right?
Where’s the PROFIT in compassion?
It is THIS set of problems. The Grandparents here are creating a scatological disorder by taking this course of action.
The former is normal, the latter is totally abnormal. The grandparents want to harm this mother for some reason and are succeeding.
Shitting and pissing re things we all do. Being able to do so in a mature way is a passage of age. We’re literally telling kids who can’t understand that hey’re better off shitting their pants than learning how to use the bathroom like we all were taught by other humans... some of whom has penises.