That isn’t the endpoint here at all.
That isn’t the endpoint here at all.
And also, in this case, easy for the university to prove he’s full of shit because he’d have to show other people weren’t punished in the same period as he was, in light of the push against sexism on campuses.
The endpoint is that institutions couldn’t expect to punish one minority while giving the pass to whites. This isn’t, at all, about an endpoint that would even come anywhere close to legalizing what he was fired for. It is essentially an Equal-Protection argument, which is the core of any and all social justice law.
So his argument essentially boils down to “sure I groped those women, but white guys don’t get fired for that so I shouldn’t be either”?
This is corporate Feminism at it’s best. Equal exploitation in the name of exec profits.
This is a perfect example of benevolent sexism.
Look, what you present here is absolutely anti-Democracy and in support of an oligarchical political establishment. You’re literally trying to justify ways of disenfranchising voters because you don’t like their candidates.
I mean, fuck poets, right? Their desire for a better world and... fuck it there’s no money in poetry so who cares what poets think, right?
Where’s the PROFIT in compassion?
It is THIS set of problems. The Grandparents here are creating a scatological disorder by taking this course of action.
The former is normal, the latter is totally abnormal. The grandparents want to harm this mother for some reason and are succeeding.
Shitting and pissing re things we all do. Being able to do so in a mature way is a passage of age. We’re literally telling kids who can’t understand that hey’re better off shitting their pants than learning how to use the bathroom like we all were taught by other humans... some of whom has penises.
Every parent is a child pornographer.I mean these rapist men are being allowed to change the diapers of kiddos.
What is “pedobear” are people so obsessed with naked kids that you need to see all the pictures posted so they can protect us.
So you support someone who is a racist? Wow. You just killed any ability to be taken seriously in these pages.
Well, there are a lot of creeps who do want to see that.
Can you tell that to my mother, who shows my baby pictures to every girlfriend I have ever brought home?
When corporations start doing the same shit we’re all going to live in fear of copyright. Suggesting plot out of Shakespeare will likely be a copyright infringement before long.
My partner’s insurance ensures we have enough if there were an accident.
*If all this career thing doesn’t pan out for me, I can always find me a woman with a promising career and good income, settle down, have children with her and let her take care of me for the rest of my life.*