Overtymem Usicradio

Ok that is just mean. Funny…but mean. I still like her though. but it is still funny.

A few times? Once would have been enough for me. My tummy is very sensitive.

I mean right? That stuff stinks to low hell, not high hell. I told my dad that the only way stuff was going to be cooked is in his future apartment.

The way they 24/7 openly and shamelessly attack blackness?

I see this all of the time in sports, just now as a matter of fact.

He does not have much love for black men either. Just look we are portrayed in his movies and tv shows. Especially if you are dark skinned.

Rating music is just not your thing. Rump shaker Forever!!!!

Welcome to millennial television, and it sucks.

If we based everything we saw on tv based on today's standards then everything was trash and I will not just sit here and let some silly millie diss everything about the best decade ever!

Is it at its core about being terrible to people of color, or being terribly indifferent to the cultures of the people of color, unless they benefit from it first?

Thanks for sharing, but I hope that men who are reading this will realize that women who thinks as you do are very dangerous.

Chance is too busy selling Kit Kats to be involved in a dastardly, fiendish and yet wildly intelligent plot to do away with the Orange Menace.

You say what about them Spurs?

Its good to be 40 and not know one song by Drake.

You know why.

Its called mumble rap and its very popular in hood areas in Texas.

And Diddy. Don't forget the Diddy.

And Here I am expecting a serious article on a very serious and complex topic. what a gip. Epic fail.

I have known this to be the jailhouse pose since the mid 90s.

This is how this writer feels. How do you feel. Share us your thoughts and not someone else's.