Overtymem Usicradio

Just remember one thing, no matter how hard you try, or how smart you are….you can't fix stupid.

The debates do matter. Just not for reasons you accept.

WTF!?!? Seriously? You seem so well traveled and worldly and then you say dumb sh!t like this. Many men of different ages say this to any man that is simply younger than he is. My dad calls his younger brothers, all over 37, youngblood all of the time. You need to get out of Pittsburgh more often.

The things your wacky millies think about is quite frightening and hilarious. Do you ever think about where Ronnie and Nancy did it? Or where Barbs gave Herbert Walker some mike time? What do you think W's favorite position with laura was? Ponder on that.

The author of this garbage article is obviously around ten years old. That is my only explanation for this nonsense. This blog is called VSB for Very Smart Brothas. Someone please tell me where is the very smart in this mindless dribble.

I would never, Never, NEVER, ever, Ever, EVER, put my mom on blast. Happy Labor Day Weekend!

"And since he’s done with the Olympics, he’s free to go and make Darth babies with Taylor Swift."
We can not allow that to happen. I am for T-1000ing the both of them before allowing that to happen.

You had better hope REAL music bloggers do not see this nonsense. They will roast your balls, as they should.

Its an affirmation of their lack of a real manhood.

I am sorry Branden a 35 year old man have more in common with a 45 year old man than a 25 year old man child. And who determines the cut off is 1995? You? Have you had a survey amongst your age group of this? No. a generation is a generation. Maybe you feel that you are a Millie and if so then fine. Be a Milie. Maybe

Do you live in Dallas?

Speed of culture has nothing to do with 20 years being 20 years. Do you think the internet makes the time fly for someone doing 20 in prison? Sure their are sub generations within a generation. I just find it strange that someone who is in their mid thirties feel that they have more in common with those born in the

Thank you!

Sigh. Good article. A few flaws but nevertheless a good article. The sigh is for the commenters who either do not know what a generation is. A generation has always been known to be twenty years. Each generation does have sub generations. If you are born around 1978 through say 1983, you are an Xer, just young Xers.

You guys need better spam protection.

Our first experience was Run DMC? That would be 1984 or 85. Not even close woodchuck. Gen X or HHG fell in with Hip Hop around 1979 or 1980 wit the Sugar Hill Gang and on the Afrika Bambataa with Planet Rock, and the break dancing movement that followed. Whoever wrote this needs to do more research on both Gen X and

Its sad that this is even on an eighth grader, a 13 year old, young mind. 13 is to young for any kind of serious relationship, especially if the relationship includes silly rules like these.

This is in no way the greatest thing anyone will ever see.

This is one weird generation.

I love it when woodchucks in their early thirties really believe that they are old.