
The Australians are simply used to their toilet water draining the opposite way down the walls.

Also, required...

What occupation is this: 2THDR.

The State of California called this offensive and I was not allowed to have it.


Meanwhile, in Seattle.

On my bright blue Audi, I had “SPOOOON.”

A friend once had a MASSGRL plate. I asked her if she was religious, she laughed and explained she was from Massachusetts. She then went on to tell me about all the creeps who thought it meant “Massage Girl”

A vegetarian lady was denied this plate.

I guess Idaho is a little more lenient. I once saw a handicapped van with “KRIPEL” and a Charger with “BONDAGE.” My own personal plate is “SLTHRN” which any sensible individual would recognize as “Slytherin,” but has also been interpreted as “slut horn.” The discovery of that one happened with a not so graceful


I’ll show them - I’ll get 5318008 and mount it upside down!