YESSSSSSS more Diana Moskovitz pieces over here on Jezebel pleeeeease
YESSSSSSS more Diana Moskovitz pieces over here on Jezebel pleeeeease
This seems to be the classic “they didn’t stop it so they are complicit” complaint.
Those are weird movies.
Blocked and reported.
Writing/Directing and technical.
Kyle’s name should be there, goddamnit
“while the adult entertainment industry appears to suffer a lesser degree of such reprehensible conduct”
You shouldn’t have any hot dog water because you are not a NY hot dog stand and you cook it on a grill (because you are having a BBQ) or in the microwave (because you are hungry and want hot food in less than 1 minutes without having to cook anything) like a sane person.
Reminded inexorably of when plump 34/35-year-old Betty Draper goes to the doctor and is told: “Well, with middle aged women it gets easier to put it on and harder to take it off.”
Honestly, if anything I would go into Barnes and Noble, take a bunch of blu-rays and books and leave.
Honestly, I imagine most of the US would be mad basic that day, and everyone would just burgle every high end store you could think of. My friends and I think that murder would actually not be that rampant, rather it would be cohorts planning on how to break into, what I would imagine would be, the insane security at…
I love the local stories!
Courtois was the man of the match. Amazing saves. And he single handedly denied Brazil the second goal. A great game.
Gotcha! 1996 Sucka!
Honestly I think it’s just because she’s been married a few times and each time she changed her name, so it’s like, who even knows her last name anymore?
Okay, I already said I was going to miss you, but now realize I have been relying on you for news. I’m really going to miss you.
I hate you all and FYI I don’t talk about my dietary restrictions that much anymore
Schmeichel! Schmeichel! Goalkeepers Incorporated!
Dude, don’t #notallmen me. I’m a man and didn’t feel attacked or defensive about her letter. And by the way, she WAS assaulted. If someone doesn’t get to be a little on guard after an experience like that then what the hell qualifies?
Especially “fuck you” to those who did it in swing states. Fuck my friends white, cis, gay male friends who are still trying to say she was as bad. (I am losing those friends as my temper flares)