Betty shooting birds


Madonna “Rain”

Go with your strengths gurl...go with your strengths.

Not sure what the final count was, but I believed Wahoo caps outnumbered Block C during the season. But even when they wear the Block C, Wahoo is still on the uniform.

Seeing a fair amount of #notallClevelandfans.

Dunno...I’d say it’s the franchise’s fault for still having this racist logo.

I don’t understand. People have been “making a fuss” about Chief Wahoo as a racist caricature, and have been advocating for a change, for years. This is not a new thing just because the Indians are in the playoffs.

Danny Trejo himself claimed that the guy who was the biggest badass was.............. John Cusack?

Really quick post because I’m celebrating with family and friends but....I GOT ENGAGED TODAY!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh. I have no idea why the thought I can’t wait to share this with my Jezzie friends crossed my mind at this exciting time but it did and here I am. Love you guys and AHHHHHHH!!!!

Most def, she is going to be trapped by Sony until time ends, and people will continue to work with that Luke joke and ignore everything about him.

I forget, did anyone do any investigation into that?
Was there any kind of partisan special prosecutor who laid out his case before the Congress and the American people?

Well, Hannity and Brietbart seem to have managed to dig up all of three for the entirety of the man’s political career, none of whom are willing to go on record and answer questions from any non-Hannity/Brietbart news source, whereas Trump’s had about 15 and counting now in the past 72 hours alone and responds by

Every female friend I have had eventually talks about a sexual assault that happened to them. I honestly believe every female over a certain age has experienced sexually inappropriate behavior.

Heh, guess it’s different when you grow up down here. Heard plenty proudly say their kin owned plantations. I love and hate my home.

Oh my god, same thing here! I know EXACTLY what you mean and have had multiple run ins with acquaintances or “safe public spaces” incidents and they have a particularly soul-stealing shock to them. Also, congratulations on surviving, and congratulations to everyone here for surviving all the shit you’ve been put

I had an abortion when I was in high school. Being pregnant and unable to keep water down was traumatic. Having an abusive boyfriend was traumatic. The fear of having to tell my mother was traumatic. No longer being pregnant was a fucking relief.

Any pre-abortion counseling should include information on the cost of child-care, the risks associated with childbirth, postpartum depression, etc.

This is one area where I think TV does a great disservice with those portrayals of women who change their minds at the last minute. Yes, that is some women’s experience, but it’s overrepresented. Most women have at least thought theoretically about whether they’d consider abortion, and women with unplanned pregnancies

“It’s too loud in this coffee shop! I’ll never get this abortion paperwork done!!”

same with every person i’ve known personally have one.