Betty shooting birds

Exactly. That is the right reference here, not Madonna, thank you very much.

That Tig tweet is the best thing that’s happened in at least a week.

Beat me to it! Strawberry Switchblade forever <3

It sure does!!! If anything it goes with almost everything!!! And it's super complimentary to the neck.

I think you modified my motto which is fuck you bitches who called me fat in middle school, I’m wearing it this time around. Oh and BTW who’s the fat one now? Oh that would be all of you and not me.

I love how Leslie Jones tweets exactly how she speaks. I can always read it in her voice.

Amen! I was crazy shy and insecure about my teenage body in the 90s, and this weekend I’m wearing a spaghetti strap sundress and beat-up converse on a date! Better late (and way more confident) than never.

The only thing I see in the fruit salad is the pineapple. Everything else is nothing to me.

i’m sorry but i cannot understand why they chose to NOT set this movie in fucking england. they even got Emily Blunt! WHY. why do this to me. the drinking culture in the UK combined with the adorable little pre-mixed g&t’s really made the story for me. It was somehow more believable when i thought it was set in

They are so stupid they actually tweet about it.

I am so with you. I saw a sticker the other day that said “Monica’s boyfriend’s wife for President 2016" and the driver was a woman. It takes a special kind of misogyny to use a spouse’s fidelity against someone.

another PRelationship

What really gets me is that Trump’s supporters criticize Hilary because her husband was unfaithful while simultaneously supporting a man who everyone knows cheated on his first wife.

Obviously, a woman’s worth is measured is how happy she keeps the men around her. If a wife can’t satisfy her husband she has no value.

Well, see, she’s a secret, angry lesbian who couldn’t keep Bill satisfied.....so.....its ok to involve her.

“Jesus, have some self-respect” — Log Cabin Republicans

I would totally listen to that. No other song immediately seems like it would work—maybe “Death or Glory” but done as a funereal ballad? Venture out of your comfort zone Mariah!!!

Sort of sounds like “It’s grounded.” I’m not hearing the “f” sound at all.

But literally no one is advocating that the path to diversity is to hire unqualified minorities. That is absurd. What people are saying is that looking to the same old places with the same old techniques gets you the same old people.