Betty shooting birds

Like I get wanting privacy but this is getting silly now. There are plenty of famous couples who - while everyone knows they're together - don't get followed around and harassed. This is starting to feel like they want this attention. IDK - maybe it's a legal thing due to Katie leaving Xenu? Weird regardless.

Can we talk about Daniel’s amazing exit? I loved how upset he was that JoJo is picking guys based on their personalities and not their bodies. It was so good.

so he didn’t realize why the audience was responding so vehemently against him

Maybe the Starks think always running in a straight line is more honorable.

he’s one of the few non-millionaires in the Senate so he IS different.

It’s not sexist that you don’t want to vote for Clinton. It’s sexist that a guy who lost by every conceivable measure is acting like he has some right to dictate her positions.

Just because the money doesn't go to exactly where you want it to go it doesn't mean there aren't more effective ways to spend it within the secret service.

Yes, but why not tell him that she wrote Littlefinger? She never even told Jon about the initial offer of help from the Knights of the Vale to begin with. Jon literally had no clue that those forces were even in play.

Most Cubs fans, especially those not from Chicago, are annoying as fuck. You are 20 years old and from Nashville, you haven’t “been waiting for this for over 100 years” you assholes.

Yeah that one conflicts me so I genuinely enjoyed the Marlins world series victory more. The Yankees team was less technically perfect and theyd begun more of the bloated Free Agent villain period. Always easy to hate the Yankees but the late 90's dynasty built a near perfect team through professional and intelligent

The 2013 Iron Bowl was pretty fucking awesome too, just to root against ‘Bama.

Last night is up there, but I’m sure the happiest I’ve ever been for a sporting outcome when I didn’t have a horse in the race has not been in a sport I actually follow. I am not a Cavs fan, but I have opinions about most of the people on the court and feel invested even when it’s not my team playing. The Olympics are

Aw, now I miss Mark.

I’ve absolutely lost all respect for this site. This vote and that omission were rigged just for the page views. Or advertising dollars, not sure which. You can’t keep my silent Magary (I know it was you and that damn striped shirt)

The worst part is that @rhizgawaaww hasn’t responded.

I agree, Rick Reilly is a complete disgrace.

Definitely Reilly’s. It has the perfect balance of “dude, why?” and “...wtf?”

Oh, Tyler. I fucking hate you, but I love you.

Why is this page suggesting that I might like a Millihelen post from 2015?!!! Is it mocking me??!!! Yes, I would FUCKING LIKE a Millihelen post!!!!

For real. Never get on top because EFFORT