Betty shooting birds

A few years ago I worked in a store with a lovely Puerto Rican girl who happened to have similar features to me (same complexion(real brown), similar hair type (real kinky)) swear up and down that she was not “black” nor afro-descendant in any way. She claimed to be too light to be black. Keep in mind, WE ARE THE SAME

Oh my, the SWOT analysis is probably my favorite scene from the show. I can’t upload gifs or videos due to new security here at work, but I’d certainly take every opportunity to share that.

Blaine standing under the chart had me in tears.

That’s what I’m taking from this. It reminds of the very real condemnations of Monty Python’s Life of Brian as blasphemous by people who admitted to never seeing it.

If you’re thinking of the subplot I think you’re referring to, that was pretty clearly at the expense of the male characters. They more explicitly take on the gender imbalance in the second season.

I wish my mom had been more like you! Between getting picked on for having boobs to having someone hit me in the head with his trombone mute almost every day (that sucker really hurt), junior high was the worst time of my life. I could have used a parent that didn’t dismiss it as “boys will be boys” behavior.

And as a mixed raced child who had a white mother who took every single racial and sexist battle - and won them, I’ll say: the exhaustion is worth it.

I can’t prove it and so I’m gonna sound like a conspiracy nut but I don’t think dude has an actual throat or digestive system.

That was my first thought, but then I reconsidered: I’ve now decided that this doesn’t speak much about her intelligence but more about her ignorance and lack of empathy.

I’m sure Trump has paid for abortions in his life. (Great abortions. The best abortions.)

I’m beginning to feel like she is not very empathetic either.

Many of the people leading the fight against abortion are white cis women, i.e. people who theoretically may need an abortion (or may have already had one, and are massive hypocrites).

I didn’t think the prefix trans- meant “coming from a different universe where up is down and the laws of physics no longer apply.”

He's got huge....tracts of land...

Don’t be jealous just because some of us are micro-evolving....I can process milk AND I only had 3 wisdom teeth!

I don’t care how her child came to her life. My own daughter was surrogate-born. I wouldn’t care if Beyonce came out and said, “It’s none of your damn business,” because that is the truth. I HATE lying liars. Tell the truth or refuse to comment, but don’t lie. I suppose there is the off chance that Beyonce is telling

Nah, but but running around in a fake belly is batshit crazy.

I love Beyonce. She is wonderful. She did not give birth to Blue. The dress incident had me suspicious, but the car incident proved it for me.

Well then it's a good thing Kim is very intelligent, an extremely savvy businesswoman, by accounts of people in the industry is always noted to be personable and courteous and respectful to everyone she works with, in addition to being absolutely fucking beautiful with an amazing body. Not bummed about her one bit :)

i love how angry the kardashian makes people. for really no good reason at all. who cares if theyre famous for nothing? there have always been people famous for ‘nothing.’ and do actors realllllllllly deserve fame so much more than them? i dont really think so.

There’s a lot of internalized misogyny on display in the way women respond to Kim Kardashian. We still have a long way to go.