One of the weirdest things about Jezebel to me is that we’ve never had many lesbian writers, and the ones we’ve had don’t talk about their personal lives much. It’s a real loss.
One of the weirdest things about Jezebel to me is that we’ve never had many lesbian writers, and the ones we’ve had don’t talk about their personal lives much. It’s a real loss.
I firmly believe Dodai disemvoweling me over body shaming has made me a better person (even though I still believe Prince William and the rest of the royal family should suffer all kinds of abuse, just not about their faces).
It’s Candy.
he’s always cheating on his partners, right?
oh no I don’t know that she was, she just seems like the type of person who would say crazy things about someone reporting sexual harassment.
she would have the most inappropriate sexual harassment opinions.
I’ve always been happy my parents made us all do our own laundry.
My gynecologist told me that she has so many patients with unplanned pregnancies in their forties. Some women have them but there are also many terminations. One more example of how the media is wrong when it portrays unplanned pregnancy as something that only happens to single hussies in their teens and twenties.
The question is can you gentrify a little? Are there neighborhoods where the artists can come in and crime is reduced and it doesn’t end up million dollar homes and high end chain stores? I’m not sure that’s possible, every place I’ve lived the artists come in, then the quirky SoDoSoPa name, then the condos, then the…
I hate them all so much.
Hey, here’s an opening for a woman in late night!
People who have trouble with cheesecakes are so weird to me, I think cheesecakes are the easiest things you can bake. It’s like we develop specific baking skills at some point and they stick with us: I can make cheesecakes in my sleep, someone else never has a bad pie crust.
But just knowing that he’s related to Skip makes me dislike Rick (although not dislike the salsa, I love the salsa).
I hope they have to relive the Burris silent treatment experience:
gimme a ginger president. But also we can have candidates who aren’t related to prior candidates.
Many years ago I actually gave a thumbs down to the first George Bush’s passing motorcade! I’ve spent years feeling dumb about it and wishing that I had given him the finger instead, and now Megyn Kelly is making me feel worse. Megyn Kelly makes everything worse.
It’s like he’s Sawyer from Lost with all the nicknaming.