Milo Smeyers

Seriously. This isn’t Ubisoft or Konami doing microtransactions to sell hack points, or MB coins. This seems like a small studio that has basically asked for donations from the devoted gamers that have playing their franchise two years after release.

How are you have a slight (the skins dont even add much) advantage in killing this A.I that we must kill together while getting absolutely no rewards for killing the most A.I.

I hate it when you need to buy things in order to enjoy a game... wait.. you dont? Then why are people... ohhhhhhhhhhh they dont understand that buying a game for 5 bucks does not really help the developer who has been consistently pushing out new content survive.... gotcha..

It’s players vs. AI. While I might understand the frustration in a PvP game this is just absolutely silly to get pissed off at. The game has been out for years. This is the one of the dumbest things I’ve seen the gaming community get pissed off at in the last year.