
Wars happen because that’s why we play EVE. 

Screw performance and give the people what they want: the same reskinned pair of pants in a new locked lootbox.

I used to be a straight “no” on this answer, but the more I think about it the cloudier the logic gets.

I didn’t play this one, but a good friend of mine who frequently DMs for his entirely-too-comedic-for-his-own-good brother told me about it. This was the sort of guy who routinely played characters like Velvet Merlin, the flamingly straight sparklemancer from Greater Fairyton. He wanted to play a half-orc wizard, but

I agree completely. This scenario simply doesn’t equate to, for example, the Harvey Weinstein scandal, in which a powerful man who had people under his payroll abused his power and influence to exploit people. This is just some young girls who were star struck by someone famous, it would’ve been easy for them to turn

This stuff doesn’t come up at all in the movies.

I’m gonna wait until the next purge to download it illegally.

You just have to make a game of it. I like to spend my time coming up with racial hierarchies. Like where do Mauritanians, Moldavian and Bolivians fit into the list of people I hate? It’s fun, like filling out a hella fucked up playoff bracket.

The building element is the reason I don’t like Fortnite.

Are we doing this? Because if we’re doing this then we’re going to have to address the elephant in the room:

God damn. If he’s a lousy boyfriend, then he ought to get dumped, not stabbed to bloody death.

The answer to all of EA’s microtransaction problems....