
Being John Malkovich was my all-time favorite movie . . . until I saw Synecdoche, New York a second time (the first time the movie was clearly smarter than me, and I wasn’t in a position to judge it).

Fun fact. The good guy lawyer in that scene is based on the real-life Ron Motley. He tried his last case as co-counsel with my firm. If anything, the movie understates what a gonzo dynamic lawyer he was. Not only did he successfully challenge big tobacco, he was also one of the pioneers of asbestos litigation. At the

And one of those movies, Synecdoche, New York, was Roger Ebert’s final “film of the decade.” If anything, I think Ebert undersold just how good it was.

The poetry slam in Sandman ended wrong.  Everything about that scene and that series screamed that Morpheus’ final move had to be “I am dreams.”

Weird, I definitely heard “worrying.” Although both could apply to Cary, “worrying” does make slightly more sense as something someone would say.

Not even today’s government could squash this man’s goodness. He would win with kindness now, as he did then.

It’s especially fun to watch Aubrey’s episode in sequence, because the last female guest they had was Halle Berre, who handled the wings like a fucking boss. Ate all of them, completely cleaning the bones, without drinking a thing, and never showed the slightest signs of distress. Maybe the most impressive round the

I’d like to suggest the Runner. We’ve already seen del Torro (Collector), Russell (Ego), and Goldblum (Grandmaster) play off their images as Elders of the Universe. A good-natured, immortal, uber powerful dude who just doesn’t want to be tied down to anything would be right in Reeves’ wheelhouse.

Elizabeth Olsen can turn on some pretty amazing chemistry with her co-stars while off screen, and Aubrey and her press tour is exhibit A.  The ass-slap clip is just hilariously sexy fun.  Elizabeth played off Aubrey’s weirdness just perfectly.

“Interesting” is a great word to describe it. In fact, the description above only touches the surface of what’s on the movie’s mind. It’s one of those movies that’s really not what you expect it to be, but in a good way.

Better Off Dead reference? Nice!

I found it interesting that you presume that Martin *will* introduce the Night King. Martin did of course tell the legend of the Night King, but that particular character/story did not, at least in the books to date, seem to have much of anything in common with the show version. For that matter, hasn’t Martin hinted

Simonson’s Thor runs was one of the all time greats in comic book history. The movie version of “He stood alone at Gjallerbru” couldn’t match the impact of the comics, but I was satisfied just to see it referenced.

I loved an interview I saw with GSP (and I don’t follow MMA, so I don’t even know who he is), where he’s *excited* and proud to get his ass kicked by Captain America.  So many real fighters want to be the world’s biggest badass when cast as fictional fighters, but this guy completely got and bought into just what

Hell, they should just make Shuri the lead.  She was pretty cool.

IMAX has been down too.  Fandango and/or actual theater locations seem to be people’s best bets today.

Kind of cool to see Cardellini get to play the comedic part. She’s an excellent actor, but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen her play a funny character(I missed Scooby Doo, so not sure if that would qualify).

There’s a whole subreddit devoted to Keanu being awesome. It’s called, r/the Keanu who wouldn’t slow down.

Hell, I was so conditioned by decades of normal storytelling, I though the end of this particular episode would end up being a dream sequence.  I couldn’t believe Ned was truly dead until I watched the season finale and realized that Martin was not remotely fucking around.

One super fascinating part of this story is that it is, in many senses, just the epilogue to another story which we only hear about in snippets. A massive portion of Game of Thrones is simply the fallout of Robert’s Rebellion.