
So, just how long is the thread with Arrested Development quotes going to be?

If you had kids you could take them to Mad Max.

It's funny, I haven't seen many comparisons between Fury Road and Speed. The former is quite a bit better, but the latter is one of the very few movies I've seen that had that almost "non-stop, escalating action!" feel.

Oh my god. I have three cats and two birds. That's five times a day I could be using this line!

Just curious, are you in the U.S.? My impression was that it only hit IMAX screens in a very few cities here.

The correct title is: So Thor He Can Hardly Pith

"Ally Walker and Tim DeKay as middle-aged parents who haven’t had sex in over a year."

For the record, Ebert did call Synecdoche the best film of the decade.

Just curious, what do you think an average-intelligence or below person would enjoy about this film? It's not pretty to look at. It's humor is rather absurdist, and definitely not of the "ha ha ha" variety. It's highly metaphorical. The characters are almost impossible to keep track of. The majority of people who

Hogwash. Our high integrity Supreme Court (see above) is here to make sure the First Amendment does only what it was intended to do. Now, stop speaking freely and start preaching some Christianity! Yee haw!

A month later, I wonder if you've now seen the movie, and whether you were pleased to find that the movie addresses your concerns and takes them 100% seriously. Hell, your sentence starting with, "But having him seem to 'succeed'" might as well have been the first draft to what his ex-wife says to him.

SPOILERS: Sorta, maybe, not really. What she does do is have the capacity to love more than one person. She remains in love with Theodore, but unlike a person, that doesn't in any way impede her from loving others.

I thought one of the most important scenes in the movie was when Theodore was running home, trips, and everyone around him *does* stop to help or asks if he's okay.

Nothing. You've just busted me trying to pad the stats.

Depressing is a fair reaction, but it wasn't mine. I found it exhilarating that someone could actually write LIFE into a movie. It's incredibly powerful if it reaches you, but that doesn't mean it will automatically make you sad.

BTW, this is the part that made me groan. I don't really think it's a spoiler, because I think movie is impossible to spoil, but be warned, plot points ahead. It should give you a good idea of the mental math you'll need to do . . .

Would it be excessive to set all four Tivos in my house to record the new Kaufman show?

Synecdoche made me audibly grown at one point when I realized I wasn't smart enough to comprehend it my first time through, and that it was way ahead of where I thought it was, and that it would take at least one more viewing to even come close to understanding what I was seeing.

I think the word you're looking for is "comfortable"

It was definitely a lot of "hurt," but there was also some OS opinion. But the interesting thing was that her backlash wasn't because she thought Theodore was some sort of freak.