
I get paid for my travel time, and I am a member of the unwashed masses (engineer).  if your company doesn’t consider your travel time part of your work hours, you work for a shit company (which, to be fair, there are a lot of)

you’re not doing enough !!
1. No more private homes - move people into communal living
2. No more private cars - public transport only
3. No more farm equipment/trucks etc - all “arts majors” are now farm labor !
4. No more shipping of goods. You wear what you make and you eat what you raised/farmed/hunted
5. No more

I think it’s fucking ridiculous that we allowed a bunch of racists to commandeer the sign for “okay”. It sets a precedent that they can potentially do this for whatever other sign they want. This was a well established symbol way before these morons, or straight up trolls on 4chan, started this shit.

The foreign substances have yet to be identified but are reportedly “a few millimeters” in size.”

Clicks, baby

I barely use my PS5, like 3% of the time.

It's an entirely different beast. It's more a platform for games created with their dev tools than a game in and of itself. 

They were going to give him, one person, a single 30-something-year-old person with absolutely no track record whatsoever, $500,000 for completing his game. *No shit they’re going to cover their asses.*

When you think that it still costs roughly $1,200 per day on average for a family of four to stay, eat, and play exclusively at a Disney resort and in their parks, spending roughly 2.5 times that amount for a fully immersive, one-of-a-kind, high-end experience. That $1,200 per day is for one of their value hotels

Yeah, I really appreciated that as well. I spent my $5 and now sometime between next... Summer and Fall I’ll have one. That sucks that I can’t anticipate getting one in December like I’d want, but, I also wouldn’t have a guarantee for that option anyway, so it’s fine by me.

Or just be patient. The need to have the newest shiniest toy (especially one that’ll last for 5-6 years) is baffling to me, especially if you have a console that hasn’t bit the dust. Just be patient. 

65% of adult American’s identify as Christian as of 2020 according to a Pew survey. This is the country that prints “In God We Trust.” You don’t understand why religion is important in this representative democracy?

I was wondering what Tom Clancy woul’ve thought of this, and I learned that he basically sold his name to Ubisoft before he died.

Hey man, you can’t talk like that around here.  If you’re not saying he needs to go in front of a firing squad obviously you’re worse than the Nazis.

“We have less money than our rival” is certainly a strange attempt at a burn. 

Wow.. that’s downright UGLY- and I’m usually pretty forgiving on things like this. I hate to beat a dead horse- but this almost makes me think that the devs anticipated a Switch Pro that hasn’t materialized like they expected... I just can’t imagine targeting the regular Switch and taking this approach...

“For centuries darker-skinned Afro-Latinx people have been erased from Latinidad, but we will be forgotten no more. We are tired of being maids and background dancers and will continue to push back until we are seen and heard. Indeed, Lin Manuel Miranda ‘fell short.’”

As for Léon, who has rightly been credited with sparking this very necessary conversation, in response to Manuel’s apology, she simply stated: “For centuries darker-skinned Afro-Latinx people have been erased from Latinidad, but we will be forgotten no more. We are tired of being maids and background dancers and will

LMM has done more to promote minorities on stage and screen than anyone else in the last dozen years or so. Too fucking bad if there’s not enough of a particular minority featured in “In the Heights” - he shouldn’t have to apologize for shit.

then why isn’t sony even more petty with all their exclusives?