Unfortunately, that ‘Beta’ bit is often dropped
Unfortunately, that ‘Beta’ bit is often dropped
I think you mean a new Switch being scalped this Christmas.
Except he couldn’t. Remember when they all fell on their face trying to repeal Obamacare because just enough of their own defected to make it impossible?
Are Xbox consoles suddenly back in stock? Or do we just not give a shit about any perception of bias since Totilo left?
Oh I dunno, maybe because you can do whatever the f you want with the car when you’re not on public property.
That might explain why I’m not allowed at Chuck E Cheese anymore.
Since when do you play Whack a mole with a scalpel?
> The problem with dickheads like Leavitt is that, well they’re dickheads.
Lewis Tan is British of Asian descent.
shit like this is why people don’t take us liberals seriously when ACTUAL issues of hate speech, language and dog-whistling need to be addressed.
I mock the right for being reactionary, but if I’m being honest, we can be just as bad.
If you could “easily” beat the market, everyone would do it. Day traders and system gamblers all think they’ve got it figured out, but I have both a finance minor on my accounting degree (and I was a semester’s worth of FIN electives shy of a dual-major had I decided it was worth the extra effort) and years of…
yeah my friends running into that problem now. she got an lg on sale at costco for 800 thats 4k 120hz. but hooking her pc through her current receiver and it doesnt have 4k passthrough or arc. so she couldnt figure out why it wasnt displaying 4k until i remembered that.
The US doesn’t have a monopoly on bigotry FYI. It is alive and well across the world. We humans are a miserably shitty species.
You mean the imagined extremist who tried creating “autonomous zones” and throwing moltovs? The same ones that burnt down stores that had nothing to do with police? Don’t worry, they exist.
I think I’m sorta on the side of the bad hot take. Or I can at least see the reasoning.
What other pieces of media can someone simply stream themselves enjoying without paying a license. If people are really there to see the streamer, then just don’t let streamers have the game feed as more than 80% of the screen or…
“Ads are awful!” Says writer for ad-infested blog. Hmmmmm. Maybe fix your own ads before complaining about others?
“General system stability improvements to enhance the user’s experience.”I always believed “system” referred to the console. I stand corrected.
Sounds like they’re preying on FOMO and it’s a shitty look for them.
Yup, Democrats by and large support BLM and BLM by and large aligns with Democratic party goals...but “Black Lives Matter” is not a Democratic party operation and should be allowed to act autonomously from it.