You include Drew’s shitty Trump take, but then completely forget the plethora of shitty voting takes most of the remainder of the Deadspin staff unleashed?
You include Drew’s shitty Trump take, but then completely forget the plethora of shitty voting takes most of the remainder of the Deadspin staff unleashed?
I mean, it’s pretty clear people on both sides of the divide are none too bright. After all, Trump hoodwinked the bulk of the Midwest into thinking high paying factory jobs were just magically going to come back with zero consequences or added costs. The fact that our system forces people to essentially vote for two…
He may already have a rough draft ready. For the past month or so, he has been talking about the likelihood of a Pats/Giants Super Bowl. He also keeps calling it “a trilogy”, which bothers me. Obviously it would be a third meeting, but if the series isn’t tied, why would a Pats fan bill it that way?
And ranks the participants of the game based on their correlation to the gangs in The Warriors.
and banging his head against an aluminum gate
So are internet comments questioning the physical status of professional athletes.
some of the scene, though none of the head-banging.
I’m not really talking about whether he can drink or have sex with consenting goats.
To his credit, Allen also called Santa Ana after their meeting to apologize again.
You do not fucking DO that because someone could turn the wrong way suddenly and boom, you have an eye injury.
The grab with three seconds left was kind of horse shit. But it was horse shit that happens every once in a while, and Fran should know that. He should also know it likely want a coaching decision but instead an impulse by a player. Fouling earlier in the final minute is super standard issue basketball even when the…
You do realize the rest of the Big Ten hates Trumpish, manbaby Franny, who constantly whines, has terrible sportsmanship, and is a bad role model for the kids he coaches.
What backlash? What criticism? What concern? All I see is a few loudmouths trying to score some points and get some clicks online. Leave WestWorld to the story and not to be catered to anyone or any special group of people. If the story requires to focus on a particular characters sexuality then please go ahead, but…
I think Westworld is the worst possible show to showcase realistic (non-perverted) LGBT sexual encounters. Every single sexual encounter we’ve seen is between humans and hosts or between two hosts. Since this show is exploring the darker parts of the human psyche, I think you’re barking up the wrong tree. The humans…
Are you referring to the uniforms or just allowing the Rams themselves on the field?
Even then he still wouldn’t see Bradford taking a glove to the face last night.
I wouldn’t be so sure. If we’re talking about the recent Revis coverage, really anyone could be behind it.
This is supposed to convince those muppets that the landing wasn’t faked? They’ll just say that with today’s technology it’s even easier to fake a landing and create fake images that “proves” the landing happened.
What would ou consider Use Your Illusions 1 and 2? Double album or no?
Apparently someone has never heard Get in the Ring