
Yeah, he was probably my favorite of the old Grantland writing crew and came across as a smart and approachable guy on social media. One of those things, where based on a Twitter interaction, your brain can kind of “fill in the blanks” and make you think he’s a pretty cool guy who you’d like to have a couple beers

Well, both sites do go after the same general traffic, as can be evidenced on how, on the average day, they both have articles up referencing the same events in the general sports world — both major stuff, comedic stuff and criminal stuff —, so readers of one or both sites do have to wade through a lot of “fuck those

If what we have now is the result of Vince’s mind and Vince’s mind alone, when it comes to storylines, I’d be optimistic about ANYTHING that involves anyone else, since from reading reports on shows, if it wasn’t his company, I’d be convinced he was a mole for another brand out there to sabotage the WWE.

If run even remotely competently, the answer to the “Should they be worried?” would be a resounding “FUCK NO, YOU DUMBASS!!!!!!”, as AEW would be a talented group of wrestlers, but guys with the WWE “midcard and below” label, as well as a bunch of indie guys who likely would peak at NXT if they were lucky.

It seemed to be a week of overreactions in that series. Watching the Cincy broadcast of yesterday’s game, I was treated to Thom Brenneman going into histrionics after Random No Name Relief Pitcher #35349 on Pittsburgh hit Suarez with a pitch late in the game. He’d been all over Weiner’s dumbass comments earlier in the

I thought that was the 2017-18 season of commentating college basketball games that he dedicated to Steve Miller. Or was it both?!?!

I agree. Think about this and then think about the state of Vince’s brain.

Reminds me of that glorious time when I beat some tough boss in a Final Fantasy game on the PlayStation and spiked my controller in celebration. And then had to drive 20 minutes to Meijer to buy a new one because, well, it was a fairly old controller and slamming it on the floor like that shortened its lifespan

If last night made me think one thing, it’s that the fan theory about Bran being the Night King might have something to it, because he was pure early-series-actually-effective Littlefinger with how he handled some shit in what seems to be a diabolical “break Winterfell from within” way.

As a guy who is good friends with a Cincinnati Reds fan, all I have to do is mention Homer Bailey to PISS him off. Six years, 105 million handed to him in 2014 and he gave them...a few injury-plagued years where he was decent (not an ace, but a respectable #3 starter) followed by a sharp decline to last year, when you

Everything does make sense when you think about it.

Seventh best might be giving them a bit too much credit this year.

Carefully make sure there is no video evidence (or that it’s still not gone public, so a quick call to a league fixer can get it “taken care of”) while smearing the fiance and abused child as lying liars out to ruin a good thing.

I’m a fan of the Pittsburgh Pirates. Now THAT is actually one of the few things that isn’t a problem with my team. If Hurdles goes through that many pitchers in an inning, I’ve already tuned out because those 4 pitchers combined to give up 10 runs. But being in the same division as the Cardinals and Cubs where STL’s

I think my main disappointment with moves like this that are nothing more than cynical ways to manipulate service time is that we really haven’t had any players openly throw that in clubs’ faces when it comes to FA time, coming out and saying that because of the club putting $$$ in front of their potential production

For me it was either 7th or 8th grade that the final nail got pounded into that coffin. My high school had a local indie group in and let’s just say that with low-low-low-low level performers (and a very old Bobo Brazil) working without the benefit of TV editing and camerawork (back then, all you got on TV were those

When you’re talking an organization run by a guy like Kraft, “normal person with conscience” is such a weird concept that “character coach” and titles like that get thrown around because, whoa! Don’t see much of that around there, so you need to give a guy like that a special position to differentiate him from

Ah, my daily reminder of “guys the Pittsburgh Pirates signed once upon a time for reasons not related to actually competing” (if turned into book form, it’d be larger than the latest Song of Ice and Fire book that Martin will never finish). In ‘07, he spent a few months with Pittsburgh and batted .276! With both his

That and I also think the question is whether other players would look at it as NO screwing the Lakers or NO screwing LeBron. With the former, sure, I’d say it could backfire, as LA has a history of being a very desirable location for successful players and a few recent years of non-success isn’t going to alter that

If there’s one thing I love, its 90s dickhead HBK. When you’re so protective of your spot, you forfeit a title with an injury in order to get out of doing a job, man, that deserves all the praise.