Sad thing is that with how the Reds are this year, that might wind up on their end-season highlight reel simply because it was an amusing blunder, as opposed to the “dying a slow, painful death” blunders that fans are used to seeing nightly.
Sad thing is that with how the Reds are this year, that might wind up on their end-season highlight reel simply because it was an amusing blunder, as opposed to the “dying a slow, painful death” blunders that fans are used to seeing nightly.
Between this guy and Kevin Durant, the NBA can provide novices to the web a comprehensive How To Not Do course on Interneting.
At least to whatever degree that it’s brave to go after the most benign personality on a site owned by a person whom she has a professional dislike of (due to Portnoy’s general attitude and behavior) that has turned personal due to his responses to her Barstool-related articles. While also bemoaning how the Post…
If anything, this should keep the Wagner/Deadspin vs. Portnoy/Barstool feud going strong, which is good for me, because when you work in a cubicle and have slow days at work here and there, hilarious back-and-forth sniping can make the time go more quickly. Hopefully, in a couple days, I won’t be saying I was…
Yeah, punching someone in the face might not be the answer to all (or even a negotiable percent) of someone’s problems, but I have so few issues with this guy getting blasted that I personally hope this article causes him to take fists on a regular basis no matter where he’s at.
Your statement goes against everything that our criminal investigation system supposedly should stand for, but sure, whatever.
At least in Cincinnati, when he gives up 7 runs in 5 innings, he’ll still be their #2 starter instead of the guy who gets demoted to the pen and released.
It’s the sort of thing that happens too often here for my tastes. I think this site (mainly speaking Deadspin, as that’s what I read the most) does a lot of really great stuff (such as their work with Baylor, as well as MSU/Nassar) and they have a lot of funny and entertaining stuff that’s great to scroll through…
That’s the thing that I find most weird. Maybe it’s just me and the group of people I know, but most of my friends and acquaintances lead one way or the other, but aren’t crazy about their political preference (sometimes obnoxious on social media posting random memes and shit, but not the LOOK HOW LEFT/RIGHT I AM…
Yeah, I’d class myself as a moderate left, I guess and find myself taken aback by the vehement divisiveness that’s become pretty much what this family of sites has come to stand for, where they’ve been rapidly shifting from “poke the bear; speak truth to power” to “novelty-sized rolling pin up the ass and PISSED about…
I never thought I’d say this about another human being, but that dude’s hair actually attempts to make Trump’s look plausible. It took a couple moments for me to be sure it was hair and not some weird-ass helmet.
Well that and how saying “You’re the worst flopper in the NBA” to Harden is, if not a pure truth, at least pretty close to it. Unless you’re a Houston fan, in which case he’s an immaculate flopper, transforming the act of collapsing into opposing players to get freebies into an art form.
The NFL: Taking the vanguard in worrying about potential hits to their Shield’s image caused by players who have pre-existing medical conditions stepping on the field.
Since Titus is basically a big, unskilled jobber and the only reason he’s still with the company probably is because he seems to be a legit good guy who does a lot of charity work and received some “celebrity dad of the year” award, I think the best way to handle this would to just make his character comically clumsy.…
I prefer the alternate headline of: Penguins Remind Us Again That It’s The Capitals, It’s The Second Round And You Know How This Is Gonna End.
With a halfway normal father:
It might be a round-about way of saying that after getting their hearts broken twice, the puck will finally go their way in Game 3, at which point, that little girl will be revered as a deity in D.C. and get placed in “heartwarming” hang-with-the-team segments on every local news station as their new good luck charm.
QUESTION! Is this something different from ESPN3, or a replacement you have to pay for? Because, as an Ohio U grad, I use ESPN3 viewing a lot to watch their games, since it’s uncommon (football) or super-rare (basketball) for them to be actually televised. And sometimes, when I’m bored at work, I use it to watch all…
This seems like a far more fun fantasy league than the lame ones where you just pick players and get points because they do well at baseball stuff. Just imagine the thrill you’d feel down 10 points entering Sunday, but knowing you have Joe West behind home plate in a nationally televised game!
If Manziel wanted the Browns to take notice of him in a “something’s wrong here” sort of way, he should have shown some degree of competence. Not knowing what he’s doing? That’s how you fit in as “one of the guys” up there.