1. That is the perfect GIF.
1. That is the perfect GIF.
I played the Dentist in my school's production of Little Shop of Horrors.
Thankfully, I haven't seen the German roaches since I first put down the boric acid. The reason I was concerned about the American roaches really has little to do with their reproduction cycle and more to do with the irrational fear of them flying into my face.
Fun things: Most things I've read say that roaches come out in force during the summer, but when the heat came on my building suddenly we started seeing them all around in our apartment.
I think I might be there! Does setting my RSVP require two-factor authentication?
I already do SAS, which is proprietary but it's based on other computer languages. A lot of my work also revolves around GIS (hooray, mapping!). With these in mind, I'm led to believe that I should look into Python to really get geoprocessing and scripting, but is this a specialized thing I'd have to take classes in…
I use the Pomodoro technique to keep myself focused at work—25 minutes on, 5 minutes off. Lifehacker's talked about it before. It's nice because it gives you a good resting point frequently, but not for too long and then you get back into the groove.
Just started listening to them a few weeks ago. This podcast is amazingly compelling!
You'd be surprised. It's a little creepy, yes, but simultaneously hilarious. Cecil's delivery of so many of the ... interesting quirks of Night Vale often take the show into this absurdist horror direction ... the commenter said, winking with his third, fourth, and sixth eyes as he slithered up the wall, smiling.…
Podcast: Storywonk Sunday/NaNo (http://storywonk.com/)
Wonderful! Thank you!
I want to start doing some full-body workouts to complement running (especially in the winter, when my runs get limited to just the treadmill). I've never been able to stick to a workout plan besides running, largely because I couldn't seem to find any regimens that complemented it (probably due to terrible research…
What's this "waistline (in cm) business? This is America!
Hah! Actually, we use trash bags all the time, and it does cover the inside of the can. It's the lid that started getting the mold (whee). And no, we're not using grocery bags that leak all over the place. However the mold/smell got there, I honestly don't know. I've also had this can for years and years, so the…
What can you do about regular trash cans? Mine's gotten some mold on the lid and has the smell of a thousand decaying things. I spray it down with an air-freshening aerosol can after every time I empty it. Is this a case of "give up and get a new one" or is there anything I can actually do to rescue it?
Addendum for blood donation: A-positive donors are also good candidates for platelet donations. Selfishly, you can also get pretty neat things from your blood donation organization by accumulating points from donations—New York Blood Center, for instance, offers current video games. Win-win!
Hah! I'm a dance teacher. We do this all the time :D
I eat at my desk about 3 times a week and I hate it. Every footstep I hear puts me into that weird defensive mode. Is someone coming to give me more work?? I try to go into my own world by putting on a podcast while eating (thank you, Welcome to Night Vale). It helps, but I do like just getting out of the office for…