
I have 3 stories!

It’s a really great book, but I think it could have been better if it had been edited and published as journalism. Sorry, Ms. Kim, but I don’t want to know about your family beyond the connection to North Korea.

What do you do when they’re homophobic, though? I live with my spouse and yes, we do pay 40% of income for a very old circa 1900 1 bd apartment...but my parents wouldn’t take us in, and her parents, who have always been poor, can’t.

I read about the use of ice baths and that’s actually what gave rise to this question! I mean, assuming snow/cold rain = ice baths, it might help. But also stress the body.

How does the supposed “gay gene” work? That is, being gay or lesbian meant, at least until assisted reproduction, that you did not reproduce. So how would the gene be passed on and thus survive? Is it a form of kin selection, where the caretaking of other family members helps other family have more kids, or do

What would happen if someone had both a disease that gave them a fever, yet was also in a situation that would normally induce hypothermia? Would having a fever protect them or would just being so cold overall cancel any warming effect from it?

Really late to this, but my ENTIRE FACE swelled up due to a combination of allergies and eczema. Also, due to that same eczema plus infection from scratching since it was so bad, I had constant, yellow, runny discharge from the bad skin patches on my face, legs, and all up and down both arms.

Shark week.

What next? If you accommodate Orthodox Jews and that becomes a regular thing, what if other groups seize on that (say, a Trump supporter refusing to sit by a gay person- and I have had people look very uncomfortable because horror! in a three-seat row, they have to sit by my same-sex spouse and I.