Kind of off topic, but how crazy is it that a console lasted seven years on the market without a single price drop? The closest it ever got was bundling in Mario Kart or Smash Brothers.
Kind of off topic, but how crazy is it that a console lasted seven years on the market without a single price drop? The closest it ever got was bundling in Mario Kart or Smash Brothers.
I just checked a different analyst and he said it could cost 500 dollars and the games could each cost the first peach of summer.
And let’s not forget that the mandatory Kinect, coupled with a mandatory always-on internet, was a major privacy issue.
Remember when people ran out and bought copies of Hatred as a protest against people attacking free speech because Hatred was a garbage premise? Then when the terrible reviews rolled in for it being an unfinished buggy mess across the board, they then ran to Steam to flood it with positive reviews to spite the critics?
I have a feeling that whoever comes up with the best Americanized word to sell these will be the most successful. Trying to call them “French tacos” will just fall flat to the average consumer.
Ah my mistake. Could have sworn it was early 2023. My bad.
It seriously seems like only Yesterday:
Everyone (the industry) take note that BG3 is the best multiplayer game.
You underestimate just how bad this problem is. These things eat oil. Once I got an oil change and just over four days later when checking the engine, I pulled out a damn near clean dipstick.
Prior to this I was in the train of thought that Hyundai had really turned things around. They were making really cool looking cars. The quality was a lot better. Maybe a cheaper alternative to Honda and Toyota. After this? No way I would ever trust one of these because if they made millions of engines that…
Torrenting can't be stealing if paying for it isn't owning.
I’ll just outright say it: you’re trying to say piracy. If you buy something digitally, it seems like you should be justified in retaining a backup copy for this very reason.
Something something high seas, something something torrent.
They really should be taken to court for this. Licenses expiring is a common thing in digital distribution. The solution is to pull the licensed content from the store, not user libraries. That’s been the standard practice for games, I don’t see why it should be any different for movies or TV shows.
people were asked to wire transfer $50,000 to secure their place in line for the car, or pay the full $250,000 for one of the one-thousand “Founders Edition” models...
“We bet you’d forgotten about sort-of-Intellivision’s disastrous attempted console, the Amico.”
No, since Hbomberguy’s insanely popular video about the lies of Tommy Tallarico put it back on everyone’s radar last year.
“Well, they are going to run out soon, so it can’t be annual.”
A series with 2 entries and 3 remasters
Can we talk about that little window-breaking slingshot thingy cuz I’ve never seen one and that looked pretty simple and effective.
Expecting a tech reviewer to understand a tiny bit about how their network works isn’t a big ask.