The company running a game where they took away stuff you paid for says (reportedly) that it’s my fault they can’t run a business?
The company running a game where they took away stuff you paid for says (reportedly) that it’s my fault they can’t run a business?
Missing projections by 45% is not the same as revenue being down 45%.
What if you could link several together and only need one driver?
If they could make the cars large enough to handle a couple dozen people at a time and label them as to which station they are going to, they might really be onto something.
AI is totally the future of storytelling, you guys.
An underground battery fire should be interesting [when it happens, which it will].
Or it could just be like a lot of their patents where they're securing an idea they had and nothing will actually come of it, like most of the time this comes up.
Videogame design patents are famously known for being a net positive for the industry.
Just look at how well other developers iterated on the Nemesis system from Shadow of Mordor after it was released, and how that created an explosion of creativity centered on player driven reactive systems.
this is the one problem i have with the film, as well. the satirical comedy elements and the dark horrorshow hellscape elements are both done masterfully in the film, but sometimes they create a pretty jarring shuffling of tone. it robs stuff that should be incredibly disturbing, like Bob’s death, of some of its…
The gameplay was pretty underwhelming in the first game so you’re better off just watching a recap or playthrough on Youtube.
If you’re lazy or just want to see what the first game was like, Gab Smolders has a pretty good playthrough of the remaster:
I think Control would still be a great game if there was no combat in it. Just strolling around and exploring the oldest house, reading all the case files like I’m walking around the SCP foundation.
Okay, so, as someone who has been a gamer literally my entire life (3 decades now!), and who has grown up being plugged into the internet... what are these angry fans everyone is suddenly talking about?
Of all forums I visit, of all the sites I hover, and from all the groups of friends I have, I have yet to hear anyone…
Better patronize GOG more regularly then.
10 bucks say this is their attempt at preventing 3rd party disc drives being made and sold.
Huge relief to hear that there’s less focus on combat, because my god, the original game SUCKED when it came to the actual gameplay. I was so drawn in by the story but sometime in the middle I just quit after having to redo the same combat section ten times in a row. Frustrating, not fun at all, clunky as hell. I…
Not sure what web browser and ad blocker you’re using but I’m on Chrome with Disconnect ad block extension and have no issues with ads on this site. I’d suggest trying it out.
Sorry to spoil it, but the surprise is that right as Sephiroth is about to impale her there is a bright flash of light. It fades to reveal Sephiroth’s face as he struggles to push past something impeding his blade.
Her dying words are “its pronounced Cait Sith” - using the correct gaelic name and not whatever the fuck square have said is true.