An empty seat is a ticket unsold to the money minds who make air travel tick.
An empty seat is a ticket unsold to the money minds who make air travel tick.
Anything Zuckerberg is actively bad for you.
Any app that won’t launch in the EU over ‘regulatory concerns’ is actively bad for you.
Hard to believe people are still interviewing this guy after the screenshots of his interactions with underage fans got posted
Guarantee WB didn’t change its mind. It’s probably being screened under the festival license (which allows you to do stuff like this.)
Half of the electronic signage I see is running on a raspberry pi. So more likely it will be a black screen with a few lines of boot text and “login as:” with a blinking cursor.
No, this is clearly an ad campaign by monosodium glutemate trying to rehabilitate its image.
It’s my property and I will do with it as I please.
MSG = Madison Square Garden, for anyone else wondering why none of the endless reporting on this thing defines the acronym.
The sphere is effectively an outdoor electronic billboard, that probably runs on Windows, and functions as a secondary or mirrored display. So I wonder how long it’ll be before the Sphere looks like this:
Thw worldbuilding was fantastic, unfortunately it’s the first part of that headline that was the issue for a lot of people (myself included). It just didn’t have the depth I wanted from an Obsidian game, certainly not after all the hype about how this was basically an unofficial New Vegas 2.
I saw it on twitter, someone mentioned that all movies that get vaulted become public domain.
Everyone seems to be saying “after Covid” a lot in this article. It’s not over, friends are still getting zapped by it, ending in the Hospital. This has super-spreader all over it.
Any fire department that didn’t shut that down is not doing its job.
“Free” being contingent on helping murder brown people to steal their oil.
I think they had to do the inside diagonal to maintain the footprint. But it’s also redundantly designed, here. That post is meant to handle horizontal forces and there’s another right next to it.
This event makes me feel safer on Roller Coasters rather than less safe.
The real solution is to make movie attendance mandatory. You want your precious “social services”? Well, you better have your ticket stub to ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: The Next Generation’ on you, or you don’t get squat!
Clearly the solution here is to create even bigger, more expensive movies and release them fifteen-to-twenty at a time. Audiences will be so bewildered by the sheer number of releases that they’ll have no choice but to watch them all, multiple times over.
I think it’s a combination of not wanting to see an 80 year old Indy and people remembering how terrible Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was.
A current “buy one, get two free” deal on used games