I snuck into two E3s when they were in Atlanta, trust me it isn’t terribly hard, or at least it wasn’t in the 90's
I snuck into two E3s when they were in Atlanta, trust me it isn’t terribly hard, or at least it wasn’t in the 90's
Ffs we’re still getting Clinton jokes at these things? It’s like hack late night monologues from 30 years ago.
I can confirm they sent me between 0 and 10 extra discs and I’m not even a subscriber (it was 0)
ISPs love to place limits, and they can, and if everyone depends on them for cloud gaming, they absolutely will. Get ready for the $200/month “Cloud Gamer Plan” (spoiler alert: it won’t even be very fast)
I’m playing through Metroid Dread for the sixth time. I wasn’t crazy about Metroid Prime back in the day, and when Prime remastered came out I gave it another shot and the whole time I just wanted to go back and play Dread again so that’s what I’m doing. Dread is still great and for all the crap it gets for being too…
Sounds like something an Eddy main would say tbh
Fine by me, it would be nice to not have to mess with Nucleus each time
I’d say Microsoft should take notes from Microsoft and give us 8 player Halo splitscreen on PC (or at least 4 player)
I think it’s this unspoken thing that Star Wars is extremely conservative in its own way, much like James Bond (not in an IRL political way) In fact I really think that fans cut the prequels so much slack and hate the sequels just because to them, the past is better than the future, going forward is repulsive to them.…
I definitely paid $20 for the GOTY of that game brand new in something like 2011
I’ve had a lot of fun with it but coming back this week it still really feels like sometimes weapons just don’t work right, like I hit someone with a gravity hammer twice without killing them and then they one shot me with a sentinel beam. I’m aware that it might just be that I suck but when it doesn’t feel right then…
SSD prices are at a historic low and keep falling lately (as of mid-2023) so I’d recommend anyone get an SSD (or an extra one) if you have some extra cash, just for your own sanity. A good 2tb SSD isn’t much more expensive than a new game at the moment.
I bought that the second it came out and totally appreciate the effort. Man I miss the Xbox Live Arcade days.
I’ve only tried Antstream on my friend’s Atari VCS console, and I know that thing is underpowered but the lag felt awful and totally unacceptable given that these are games designed to be played on a CRT with wired controls. I would pay for something where the games were downloaded and played locally like some sort of…
When you introduce alternate characters from another universe that you know you won’t see again and then immediately kill them, it basically cheapens the idea of death itself, just like when you kill the villain off at the end of every movie.
As someone who’s been around just about since this website existed, commenting under various accounts and burners (only burners these days), I’ll genuinely miss your contributions but mostly I hope your new path in life is as fulfilling and/or as cathartic as you want it to be. Ya did great.
All this and still no splitscreen. At least there’s always Nucleus.
I understand that this is purely anecdotal but I just inherited a Sega Genesis along with about 15 games, and almost none of the games worked before I blew into them, and all of them worked after I blew into them.
In my city someone hacked a digital billboard and put goatse on it a few years ago, so the possibilities for the future are wide open
I’m not a younger audience at all but I recognize that films are made by a large group of people and if you wait 10 years you’re unlikely to get any of the same people making the new ones. If you like the original films, you’re simply not getting something similar just because the same music is playing and the same…