
He’s young. Just wait

Someone at magazine does not like her

.... Yeah Taylor’s been ribbed for her choices and relationship duration, but I must have missed all the slut shaming? I mean besides the kind she sings about enduring in her songs

Steve Bannon and I share this problem

Blais and those fucking outfits

Having a new house built as we speak, construction is HUGE. I’d be interested to see what a strike in that arena would do

Also you would hope if you chose to just work in the dark, someone would have something to say about that right? Like a “You sure you’re up for this task sport?” SOMETHING

And not just with a drone/military but torture and goddamn Polonium. Unbelievable

That was really cute

I work in an office and can say that the cute outfits thing gets old after a month and then everything becomes about remaining sane and not engaging with office politics

I’ve seen personal shoppers take Birkins to their clients on a city bus, so this isn’t so crazy to me

I think people ignore her resting level of fitness and health. She’ll be fine. I on the other hand am so hungover I’m barely fit to be pregnant with a burrito.

Funny because I feel like this is the same spiteful logic Trump himself uses to justify his fuckery

Yeah that makes sense. All people who do things we disagree with should be the victim of a crime.

I needed this

On it! My podcast collection skews heavily towards murder, comedy and finance, and those that don’t are so fucking glib lately so this is what I need.


There was a new 2 Dope Queens!