
............what balls?

Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

I can see it now, Merkel will go up to Trump and extend her hand to grab him by the balls, ‘cause when you are famous, you can do that’

A lot of these shootings have a jealousy or desire to see someone else hurt element. When these people say they “just wanted to end it all” or some such what they mean is “I wanted to hurt others and make them suffer while not facing the consequences”.

He wouldn’t have run out of bullets if he’d used the first one on himself. And he knows damn well. He’s a fucking coward.

Macron spoke English with Merkel, but insisted on speaking French (meaning not talking directly) with Trump. Trump had it coming when he, against all international conventions endorsed fascist candiate Le Pen.

I’ve been a lapsed Catholic since forever, but Pope Francis has softened my heart.

He is giving Justin Trudeau a run for the French-speaking-world-leader-i’d-most-like-to-bang title in, like,a day and a half. Goddamn.

Trump earned it by endorsing Le Pen anyway.

Oh my God! I read about that earlier and didn’t even catch the shade. I thought he was just being nice to Melania.

Yeah. He gave masses in English in the Phillipines and his speeches in South Korea were in English. Even if English is not the language he’s most skilled in, he’s totally doing it deliberately. (And good on him.)

The Pope is very intentionally not fluent in English. His address to Congress was largely in Spanish. He’s shading the whole damn US when he refuses to speak English. (I am cool with that.)

Holy crap I thought you were messing around with the second part, but it’s real.

That was also a Pope thing. Francis is fluent in English but chose to speak to Trump in Spanish & through a translator.

In the photo op with Theresa May (sitting side by side in chairs) he spoke English. In the same set up with Trump, he chose to speak French. Yes it was petty, yes it was amazing.


Evidently there was also an incident with Macron in which maybe he should have spoken English in front of Trump, but chose to speak French instead.

this moron can’t even get through a basic intelligence briefing without colorful pictures and a tablecloth to draw on.