Out with the old and in with the nucleus

What’s ironic is, Caster Semenya probably has about as close to an airtight case against doping allegations as an elite athlete can realistically have these days.

If you're naturally that much better than everyone else, why even screw around with the illegal stuff?

Uh, so why is this all acceptable, but they haven’t done chromosome testing anytime in the 21st Century?? FFS

My first instinct was to indulge in my pedantic thought exercise of noting how many significant digits you used, note to myself that you used too many, and then reassess your comment with the correct number of 9's.

then I noticed...

FFS, this is literally an accurate comment.

I’m not sure how Tim Tebow, Inc/ is any more of a juggernaut than any other professional athlete who is good enough to sign a UFA deal of some sort.

I am picturing Gronk as Lochte's lawyer, and it just makes too much sense.

TBF I have never heard anybody use the phrase “Occam’s razor, bitches.” I’ve heard a shortened version of that phrase, but that's it.

Good to know there aren't any obvious deterrents to reporting crimes in Brazil.

The team that spent 120 minutes trying to get to the lottery won. The team that was determined to leave nothing to chance, lost.

It’s okay! It’s sports! It would be dumb if the best won all the time. Why should you get fuck-nothing for being 90% as good as the ones that get everything? This is how sportsing works. You

Right. “ins the most games.”Not, “just won the last game.”

Sweden is not better than Brazil, because Brazil wins more games than Sweden.

Sure you are!

This is why we have some sports and competitions with more randomness than others.

I'll happily concede that the scoreboard is all that matters as long as you concede that this will often lead to the best team not winning.

More like, he got a few booboos that need to be fixed, AMIRITE GUYZZZ!!

(attempts soccer celebration in basement, tears ACL, etc. etc.)

This is pretty much the internet favorite thing to inflict on everyone.

You use of the term “meathead” specifically takes me back to high school, where our nationally ranked football team...

Lets just say that I have gobs of anecdotal evidence that sportsing celebrity is inversely correlated with smartsing.

Out of curiosity, compete for smartest or dumbest?

Reminds me of an NHL survey, apparently a good portion of them don’t know who Paul McCartney and John Lennon are and were. The degree of sheltering athlete are given from the real world is astonishing.

That said, being a not-poor white American is quite the blissfully

They are all-time greats, but none of them have dominated for as long as Bolt. If any of them go unbeaten over two events, for three separate Olympics + two World championship cycles, along with GOAT-level peak performances, then they’ll have a case. At the moment, it looks like only Ashton Eaton has a realistic shot

Athletics has hurdles, and what, 4 different jumping events? You could feasibly compete in both sprinting events , long jump, and triple jump. That’s 4 individual events, which is basically the max that any swimmer can really attempt. The most Phelps ever attempted is five.

If freestyle was the only event in swimming,

I present the following takes on each of the biggest Olympic sports:
1) The greatest swimmer of all time has probably just completed his last competitive laps. He’s so great that, since cementing his status at the undisputed GOAT of swimming, he has gone on to have another GOAT-level career of 9 gold/4 individual

Phelps 23
Bolt 9
Phelps 13
Bolt 6
Phelps 13
Former swimming GOAT 4
Phelps 23
Lewis 9 and a silver
Bolt 9
Athletics 47 events per Olympics
Swimming 34 events per Olympics

That is not at all what happened, unless you consider taunting to be an equivalent to applauding an opponent. I didn’t recall one tweet that was negative toward the USMNT.

That is not taunting. Taunting would be more like what you have been doing in this thread.