It’s a good thing they’ll have all of those new swimming pools, golf courses, and bmx cycling courses to make money off of when the games are over!
Criminal court: Innocent until proven guilty.
Civil court: Preponderance of evidence.
Public Opinion: Preponderance of evidence, albeit heavily influences on an individual level by preconceived biases.
Just based on what has already come out, it is very difficult to imagine that Zeke is innocent.
Now I feel even worse for Joe Thornton's failure to get that elusive Cup.
This comment isn't rabidly bigoted or anything...
Sure it is. Assuming the worst of other people is a miserable way to go through life.
What two things?
1) The Cowboys won’t release him.
2) They should release him.
Seems like very reasonable points of view, unless you are referring to the Cowboys fandom as one of the two things.
Winning this year won't be easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is. This is why the Yankees are failing where others have succeeded.
At least they have Jose Mourinho to console them.
It's a sad day when the Yahoo comments section is actually the voice of reason.
Right, that has happened 11 times since the nineties. Not day in and day out.
I'll give you another chance to provide a source for your claim.
You are correct, except what you are describing is called folkstyle wrestling, I believe. Freestyle is Olympic wrestling, folkstyle is high school and collegiate level.
HIV deniers...
I don’t know about this move...seems like a roll of the dyce.
19th place finish in the World Cup, then finish ahead of Sweden on goal difference in the Nations League.
Allow me to ask...
I think it’s obvious they are talking about slurs, racist language, and wildly screaming in an officials’ face in an attempt to bully then into a decision. How anyone can read the new rules and conclude that they are going to start sending people off for dropping an f-bomb, I have no idea.
So would you rather he do the wrong thing, so as to be more of a genuine person?