Out with bad karma

Hey Karma—-would YOU be stupid enough to embed your Email address in a Gawker comment feed ?? We both know somebody that is! 1 guess ??

Time knows no age for assholes—like I said—I checked the comment history & also dropped “her” a line specifically letting her know what a fuckin’ coward she is—obviously iffn “she’s” dismissing—read CENSORING— comments “she’s” a slimy little hole—I’mma almost 60y/o myself & “she” has now way overstepped her internet

Totally appreciate the heads-up BK—I may be a bit of a troll (whom among us isn’t—(goes w/ the commenter turf right?)—but I am totall NOT a racist—I am covered in ink so I’mma not really any conventional “color”!

No problem & Muchas Gracias badkarma!! I’ll check it out & get back to you iffn that’s ok w/ you! Prolly about a post in which I reffered to racism w/ the comment that “...I hate everybody regardless to race, creed, color or place of origin b/c the Constitution—’Murica!”

I am a nurse. I (sometimes) work in hospitals. Part of a pre-colonoscopy prep is giving people a GALLON of a liquid called (oddly enough!) Go-lyte. It’s purpose is to cleanse the inner GI system so that the lucky MD doing the colonoscopy the next day can actually visualize the interior of the bowel w/out a bunch of