
Ugh, this shit is actually kind of offensive. Like, most women aren’t about to vote for Hillary (or any other female politician) just because she’s a woman. I am not going to all of a sudden jump at voting for two conservatives that don’t represent or support my interests just because they are women. It’s demeaning

I don’t understand why this couple actually believes that the rest of the world cares about THEIR marriage.

Agreed — the naked look is a definable look and so you would expect someone in fashion design to have an opinion on the aesthetic. It feels fairly organic coming from Herrera. And while I think men and women should be able to display themselves however they choose in the name of fashion, it’s much like what people

wow jia

Well it's not like molesting 5 girls is as bad as swimming while black. Do try to keep a proper perspective on things please.

Do any liberals that don’t work in show business defend/excuse Polanski (or Woody Allen) though? I’ve never heard of any politicians leap to their defence.

As a liberal, I can confirm that our favorite activity (besides buying lobster with food stamps and having abortions) is child molestation. My family has a reunion every year just to make sure we all get a shot.

At last, video evidence that 2:24 is faster than 2:26.

My birthmother Juno-d with me (for lack of a better term, she went to the clinic to terminate and decided there to choose adoption). It weirdly does feel better, knowing that she was able to make that choice for herself - like I wasn’t born out of some forced-birth tragedy, but instead out of her own choice and her

I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said, “Smile! You’re alive because your mother didn’t believe in abortion.” I wanted to ram the back of his car and jump out and yell, “YES SHE DID YOU DONKEY! SHE BELIEVED IN IT AS A CHOICE A WOMAN SHOULD BE ABLE TO MAKE!” Sorry for yelling, just...don’t speak for my mother,

But All In The Family wasn’t politically incorrect. It was a politically correct show that had politically incorrect characters who were ridiculous because they were politically incorrect. Saying the show is politically incorrect is like claiming Colbert Report is politically incorrect.

Yeah but THIS site and its posters jumped ALL over that shite.

If you’re 39 years old and deciding to crash a college party, life ain’t working out the way you planned it, even before the guns get brought up.

he shooting was a complete accident and that he just meant to scare the partiers with his gun

Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

She doesn’t know any better. This is a family that teaches their female children that their only worth in life is to breed as many children as they can until they die and service their husband’s needs no matter what. They are considered property in this community. Jim Boob and Michelle probably told the girls that

It just means we can pick whichever has the shorter line. When questioned about this in men’s rooms, I usually respond “gender is a construct,” but now I’ll just shout “bisexual corollary!”