
The world is already overpopulated. I am fine with giving someone sight, kidney function or a heart will improve their quality of life, but I don’t feel we need this, once dead I won’t change my mind.

While I might be gone, I still know what I believe should live on, I think this world is over populated as is, I don’t see the need.

If and when insurance companies are required to pay for it I will feel the effects. I also would not want my own uterus to go to something like this. No where in organ donor cards does it give you an opt out.

I prefer to think about the slave labor that was used to get the diamonds out of the ground for the Debears family.

yup, once while jogging a man honked his horn, I didn’t give him the correct response. He pulled into a parking lot waiting for me to pass, lucky for me there was a busy restaurant nearby and ran in there and had them call the police.

Ironic homonym

Well they are all wearing the same color of military green, or is that my computer that changes everyone’s clothing into an army green?

I just hate the “you are the only one bringing it up” argument. As if you are the only one noticing, so it is not a valid concern.

It was all the women getting raped after being pulled over by “unmarked cars”, that most places decided against them. Now women will get raped again by people playing police officer.

This article doesn’t represent what happened in the past and what are their current practices. In other words, this article is the Milli Vanilli of journalism.

I clicked on this to see it in green. This box popped up instead. I need to wake up.

Ummm, #7 is wrong, Christmas goes to Jan 6...the 12 days of Christmas should also be mandated by law! Our government should make it illegal to take down Christmas decorations until Jan 6. Once you take down the decorations you may eat cake. King Cake, of course, with a little plastic Jesus inside.

This is not a pledge, but part of being a student at Liberty U. E. Sexuality & Relationships Sexual relations outside of a biblically ordained marriage between a natural-born man and a natural-born woman are not permissible at Liberty University. In personal relationships, students are encouraged to know and abide by

I think it is just Heidi Klum has too much work, and doesn’t want to spend much time on this show. Other projects are always in the works.

I hate to tell you this, but the show is scripted. Spoiler alert.

No, he bullied HP to protect him. He need to keep up a persona of being with he who cannot be named.

Because she threw up in her mouth just a little it when she uttered the name Trump!

Because his private account was not hacked into, he was out in public. Right? No, but I clicked and so did you.

Well yeah, now that you clicked on it, I want to clarify in the comment section that the headline is wrong and so is the story. Gawker.

The officer clearly went over the posted speed limit of 20 miles per hour to catch up to her.