
I'm taking my usual analogue approach with the girlfriend this weekend. We're definitely getting in at least one play of Fields of Arle, since I bought it a few months ago and it's been collecting a bit of dust thanks to some recent acquisitions. If we end up doing another heavy game, it'll probably be AquaSphere,

I kept waiting for his dad to reveal that Winn was a robot or something equally ridiculous. Alas.

I want the love triangle scrapped. I get that Winn is in love with Kara, but the thought of her and Winn doing the will they/won't they dance over the coming weeks (months? years?) in addition to the inevitable Kara/Jimmy will they/won't they will drive me insane. Winn has not done very much to give Kara a reason

Moonbeam City was more popular than I thought. Go figure.

Most of the main storylines going into 2016 seem set, but Reigns better not be facing Sheamus again at the Rumble. That feud needs to die next week.

Lesnar is the one that makes the most sense. It sets up a Wrestlemania rematch with Reigns to see who should have won last year without Rollins getting involved, plus Lesnar is over enough that the Rumble likely wouldn't end with him getting X-Pac Heat. After that, I think Wyatt, Cena, and Owens are the most

Just because I can, my new favorite board game of the year is Mysterium. It's like if Dixit and Clue had a creepy baby that always gives you knowing sideways glances. It scales from 2 players on up surprisingly well, too.

Did I hallucinate watching Fortitude? It didn't even show up on anyone's ballots, yet it gave us Stanley Tucci's smirk of the week, suspense on the same level as shows like The Americans, and lots of intriguing weird stuff that had me wondering if it was a horror show, sci fi, fantasy, crime procedural, or some unholy

Did they change it again? Yeesh.

Roman with the belt had to happen eventually. I was pretty much resigned to it and I'm grateful we didn't get him crowned at WM 32…or WM 31, for that matter. The pressure would have been through the roof and it was something that easily could have blown up in everyone's faces.

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally hoping to see Fortitude in the Top 20. It never failed to deliver a weekly dose of WTFness while consistently confusing the hell out of me. I loved it.

The last ten minutes made up for anything negative about this episode. The Cat/Kara scene was really welly done and refreshing in light of the way that same storyline has been (and continues to be) handled on Flash and Arrow. The fight scene at the end was also a lot of fun, particularly Henshaw's "oh snap!" reveal.

Phil Coulson's transformation into Hard Man from Mega Man 3 has been really subtle so far. God forbid he ever runs into Magnet Man.

My wishlist:

Was I the only one who noticed Snart had the exact same expression on his face as the mug?

Meh, no scarier than Twilight Struggle. My best friend still has nightmares about the Decolonization card.

I…I'm only a dolphin, Flash.

The writing was Gotham-bad. However, Benoist was freaking adorable and is enough reason for me to keep watching for now.

Oh God, please don't tell me there's such a thing as the Rapiest Ape.

Agent Exterminator