
Sense9: The Sensening

I loved the reference to Bicycle Thieves. I feel like part of the problem this show has is that a lot of its jokes either come and go way too fast or are over the heads of 90% of the people watching.

Clovers getting repeatedly shivved managed to be both the most horrifying and most hilarious moment of the year for me. The second season has been unbelievably good and I have no idea how they'll be able to do a third season.

There was something fun about happy go lucky Kane tonight. It was different and worked with the general goofiness of tonight's show. Heck, even Hunter was corpsing during his scene with Kane.

Everything about this show is awful. And I secretly love it for that.

I thought it was a roll of a three-sided die after that horrible accident at the hot chocolate factory?

The entire time I was watching it, my brain kept drawing parallels in the animation to Metalocalypse and I couldn't figure out why until I saw they were responsible for this.

I'm still twelve years old at heart. I couldn't stop laughing whenever Forrest went to the fanny pack to jostle the magic 8 ball.

I loved everything about that sequence. I lost it with Cartman as Bill Belichick.

I read the YouTube comments on Negrotown. Oh God why did I do that.

Part of the problem with tonight's Raw is the crowd. That was one of the worst in recent memory.

Anyone else catch the Harvey Birdman reference? Ha ha! …nailed it.

The closeups of Cena's nose…ugh. I wretched.

Even though no one watched the show, Episode 10 of Fortitude had me screaming at my television for a good 15 minutes. The Morton/Henry scenes were so, so very good.

Oddly enough, my favorite moment was when the husbands excitedly came to the house and one carried the other over the threshold. It was actually really sweet.

THANK YOU! I thought I was going nuts for a moment there.

It's like the writers watched Batman & Robin and decided to outdo the cold puns and make Captain Cold an even bigger scene chewer than Mr. Freeze.

Is it wrong of me to say that Kyle MacLachlan has been the best part of this season? He has 2-3 great lines an episode, his character gone through an interesting journey, there's still enough that's unknown about Cal that I want to find out more about him, and MacLachlan's been a good actor on a show that's bereft

It was the dumbest show on TV, but damnit, aside from the last few episodes of Season 1, it was completely aware of that fact and reveled in it. I'm going to miss hate watching it.

Punk was at C2E2 earlier in the day…plus he did mention that AJ loves awful action movies. Maybe they stopped by and watched Con Air while badmouthing Ryback?