
Sure, but again: that is a deliberate decision. When they build the second database, they decide what data points are stored. Somebody had to decide that they would only have a “Creators” key in the new database and there’s really no way that could have been due to a technical issue or accident.

Hey anybody else who watched Power Rangers as a kid find themselves randomly thinking about how Tommy’s evil twin went back to revolutionary times and decided to live the rest of his life in the past and how weird that is?

The videogame market did not begin with the PS1 and the PS1 was not the first platform that had exclusives for it.

Look I dunno why they did it but there’s basically no way this could’ve been a bug.

It’s not Hasbro and I know this is probably cheating, but does Chris Pratt’s Lego figures count? There was Lego Movie, Lego Guardians of the Galaxy and Lego Jurassic World.

I mean... I guess, but I we also have to remember that games aren’t just static media and are instead interactive experiences that can provide new experiences every time. I have to assume that the majority of these folks are also spending their Call of Duty time in multiplayer rather than replaying the campaign over

I mean, not really? I agree it’s not the strongest statement from Nadella but his words are “[Sony] has defined market competition using exclusives, so that’s the world we live in” (emphasis added on my part).

...Uh, okay? Not what I would’ve expected.

The CEO is not correct, at least in the sense that this is not a thing that Sony started. This has literally been how the industry has worked for decades.

Yeah this just looks like a bad licensed game. Oh well!

I would ALSO say the same thing about console war dummies!

It must be so exhausting to be a PC gamer.

My best co-op partner for Halo completely ditched the series because Halo 5 got rid of split-screen.

The Citadel DLC is so good and honestly I wish more games had a “goof-em-up” adventure where you can just see everybody let loose and be dumbasses.

I just think her outfit is so goddamn stupid.

I will be honest: I did not think of any of the sequels as “mainline” entries in the series. They feel much more obviously like spinoffs.

Eh, see I don’t even think something like FFVII is all that mechanically different than any other menu-based Final Fantasy game. Sure, they have limit breaks and the things you learn abilities from are called Materia instead of Espers, but it’s still largely a similar experience.

Well, sure, but RE4 set out to reinvent survival horror and then wound up more or less accidentally reinvented third-person shooters. RE5 and RE6 came from a place of “all these other action games learned from RE4 so clearly we can outdo them” while ignoring the fact that it was never intended to be an action series.

Yeah, I mean: I admit there is some truth to the idea that we’ve yet to see a AAA menu-based (premium, not free-to-play) RPG that is not named Pokemon sell gangbusters to a mainstream audience.