
I really wanted to like this show, but I couldn’t get pass the first episode. Why does everything have to try and be comical? When they try to make jokes they’re not even that funny. The whole thing just felt forced. 

“Our plan was always to solicit the input of our community”
Bullshit! They were planning on a surprise attack, and somebody leaked it to save the people they were going to attack!

“You’re going to hear people say that they won... They won - and so did we.
LMAO. This isn’t a zero sum game. This wasn’t about winning. It

1000% agree - the modern speech and music was horribly out of place and took away from the willful suspension of disbelief. The production value and design are amazing. Yet the most important thing - the writing - is absolutely intolerable. That and the generally horrible acting by most of the younger cast and the

If there’s a season 2 it better start with Graydon saying ‘nah, I’m good’. It feels like a disservice to his character to have him become the new Crone willingly - plus just repetitive.

Yes, he’s susceptible to darkness but he’s also been freed from it - two times over already let alone having to do it all over again.

I liked it. I did not, however, love it. A lot of people are embracing the quirky humour as though it was consistent with the 1988 movie, but it’s not at all. Its tone is anachronistic and jarring every time, which the movie never was. I find that distracting.

This thing wrapped principal photography in July of 2021, and they released those silhouette promo pics shortly after (and that horrendously awkward on-set vlog Pitchford did where clearly no one wanted anything to do with him, and he very obviously annoyed the shit out of Kevin Hart).

It’s been 18 months since anyone

It was the vanity nature in the sense that Johnson apparently insisted several times throughout production that his movie have no relation whatsoever to Shazam and vice versa. I think it’s mostly just his ego preventing him from playing second fiddle to a bigger hero, but there does seem to be some sense of wanting to

I just have severe super hero fatigue. I have almost no interest in seeing super hero movies anymore. They really should move on.

I like that he said the majority of new material we’ll see isn’t actually new it’s just stuff that didn’t fit into the games. Going too off script in this case would really only hurt, the story is that good as is. 

I started to watch Black Adam the other night and became very unimpressed with where the story was headed after about 15 minutes. I turned it off and will not return to it. WB can make all the Black Adam sequels they want...I won’t be a viewer.

or you know just embrace the fact that you’re in your 50s and it’s ok to not be making the same action movies you used to. See Arnold’s career. 

Renfield and Guillermo need to team up to make superteam.

Now playing

Good to see Nic Cage returning to his roots.

I always assumed that at some point Mando gets his ass kicked and has his armor and helmet stolen, and there’s a multi-episode arc where he’s working to recover them while travelling incognito. That would fit in with the spaghetti western archetype Favreau and Filoni are going for.

The Mo Farah sign?

So Christian Slater in Star Wars when? Cause Im down for THAT

First thing I do in every browser is install one.

I haven’t seen the new film, and I have no intention. The first was fine as a visual spectacle, but the white savior complex was as obvious then as it was thirty years ago in “Dances With Wolves” and SO many other Hollywood productions. At least in Costner’s film, the source material was organized around an accurate

I’ll do it. It’s quite simple. Re-hire everyone he fired, get rid of the new “improvements”, watch the stock return to normal, be rich.

He’s an immortal.