
Of course, an electric MR2 would make the prelude irrelevant

I guess I’m having a hard time believing that Musk is completely doing all this with zero thought-out plan or strategy

Representation is a crucial tool in the long-term fight against bigotry. Perhaps fictional Talokans will not only represent people of color, but also people who support something other than an elitist authoritarian regime that chooses its monarch by murder, assigns power by nepotism, and prefers diplomacy to killing

If you have a 1 in 300 million chance of winning, buying a second ticket doubles your odds to 2 in 300 million, another to 3 in 300 million, and so on.

I don’t play the lottery often, but my mom, brother and I put in $10 each. It’s fun to discuss plans on what we’ll do if we win a billion dollars, but my biggest jackpot was $3800 playing Pick-4 two decades ago.

After this Gilroy should do two seasons about Mon Mothma building the New Republic in the early years after the death of the Emperor.

Andor, the $15 million-per-episode show has been renewed for a second season. Under the circumstances it kind of proves that Disney can afford it, and whether it’s intentional or not, they are making different kinds of Star Wars shows to let everyone has something to enjoy for different audiences.

Go one better. Wash away the bad taste of Ralph Bohner and make her The Shadow King...

Just go balls to the wall and make her Mephisto. Fuckin do it cowards.

A lighter/smaller truck with 400hp sounds a lot more fun than gigantic truck with 700hp IMO

These cars look cool but are objectively pretty crappy overall. Makes perfect sense to take the stylish shell and turn it into something that drives great. I’d rather have a fun car to take on track than one that drives like shit but sounds great when you rev it in your driveway.

Maybe a somewhat unpopular opinion here”

In fairness, that’s because it’s a very dumb opinion, given that those companies literally did exist without him.

This is embarrassing.

To be honest, these race ticket prices don’t seem too out of line for what I expected. It’s not the race expense that’s shocking, it’s what it’s going to cost to stay there.

I would gladly trade Imola, Saudi Arabia and Magny-Cours for Sepang any day.

Tim is a genius—or he certainly was in his most creative years.

Users of the social media platform are bracing for sweeping changes to the platform...

The Zap Ahsoka Forever episode was kind of interesting, kinda silly but it showed her resilience and Anakin’s kind of creativity.

I just don’t think a noise coming out of a speaker will elicit the same response as an actual mechanical machine exploding gasoline and moving pistons.  I think having a speaker simulating exhaust would cheapen the whole experience. 

Considering I already walk 10x faster then most people (seriously, why do people walk so damn slow) this would have be walking 300 times faster then you normies. I’m in!