
I don't know if that model is about to punch someone, bite someone, or punch someone and then bite them.

This is horrifying. I hope she gets help to sue the hell out of everyone involved and gets that idiot doctor's license revoked.

This sounds similar to an iPhone app called "Live Happy". It has activities grouped under 6 headings (e.g., "savor" and "thank"). Not as snazzy looking as the Happify website but at 99 cents it's a helluvalot cheaper.

Oh don't worry, I have an internal audit system set up to validate my decentness. I keep a detailed Excel spreadsheet to track every instance when I don't throttle someone who I really, really want to throttle ;)

Totally agree. If I wanted to experience fighting I'd get in a time machine and go back to being a little kid living with my parents. Definitely no "fighting=love" there, just fighting. Ugh.

Hovering sales people drive me nuts. But I'm sure a lot of them have been instructed to ask customers if they need help within x seconds of them entering the store or if they come within x feet. I also found when travelling to Asia that the sales people hovered to a crazy degree, but apparently that's a sign of good

I use mine to read and highlight PDFs (iAnnotate PDF; great app). Other than that though I mostly use it to read ebooks and blogs. I'm sure there's more I could be doing with it, but I tend not to think of it and instead always reach for my phone or laptop.


the fruit and vegetable are initally planted and grown separately, but after a few weeks, the tomatoes are cut off the stem. Then they’re matched up to potato stems, eventually fusing together to create nutritional pathways

Probably an end-of-season harvest?

I totally dated a guy who did this. It was weird. Eventually I had to assume that he was lying about everything.

Well, to be fair, the rich have been fucking everyone to get ahead pretty much forever, and will probably continue to do so, with or without libertarianism.

It's not just encounters with assholes that make women feel that misogyny is a constant presence in life. That stuff is so ingrained partly because women are socialized so differently from men when it comes to personal safety. Illustration: a while back, in mixed company, someone asked who locks their doors when


AHHH! Finally a smaller IUD for us ladies with no babies! Thank you for posting this; I've had a Mirena in for ...8 years now? I know it's only supposed to last 5 years but I wasn't sure what to do next for birth control so I've been procrastinating on removing it :/ Insertion was horrible and the next few months

psst...download "hotspot shield" to get around geographic content restrictions

Sexy hamburger? Who the hell thinks up these things. There is truly a sexy everything costume at this point. I'm waiting to see a sexy colonoscopy costume at this year's Halloween parties.

I'm pretty sure those shoes are painstaking reproductions of traditional First Nations stilettos. I totally saw them at the Museum of Civilization.

I think that's more "orangeface"

and what is with all the "beats" advertising in like EVERYTHING these days...