
I like to think that washing down my Wellbutrin with my morning coffee is the best of both worlds :)

To be fair, your bf was onto something there...

I've had that happen too. I waited in the lobby for 45 minutes while the interviewing committee waited for me in the interview room. Ugh, not a great way to begin an interview.

Similarly, when I did a raw food diet for a month, and was eating a lot of sunflower sprouts, my armpits smelled really odd...not bad, but just weird, like some kind of food product I couldn't quite place.

Not optimal, but I've found that drycleaning will solve that problem. It's too spendy for regular use so I only use it for really nice shirts, maybe once a year to get rid of any deodorant buildup.

I have been asked the "mistake/failure and what you learned" question, the "greatest weakness" question, and the "conflict with a coworker" question before. I think they've become more common so people are developing canned answers to them.

I was wondering that too...presumably if you were in a car and in an accident that'd be classed as "motor vehicle incident"...so how do you die just from being the occupant of a car, in a way that wouldn't fall under any of the other categories? I am stumped...

One more health reason, for those of us with GERD, is that eating a big meal can cause unpleasant acid reflux. Eating smaller meals helps a lot with that.

I would feel guilty if cable / media companies hadn't dragged their asses about joining the 21st century.

Winters are brutal...I definitely wouldn't want to remove meds in the fall or winter :/

You're not a dog person, are you. ;)

Plantains are the bomb!

yeah, that's pretty much how i'm feeling after reading this post.

See, now there's a store I need to stay away from...or I'll come out an hour later in a daze with random lipstick smudges on the backs of my hands and a smoking credit card.

I suspect wellbutrin is currently pooping out on me. But I'm afraid to go off of it to find out :/

Same here...tried 15 before finding a combo that helped...and it feels like it has lost effectiveness over the past few months, but fuck I am not willing to start messing with that again...ate 2 years of my life.

I felt so validated and so much less "abnormal" when I read "Quiet: the power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking", by Susan Cain. One of the things she argues is that trying to force introverts to act like extroverts and treating them like there's something wrong with them for not being more "outgoing"

I sent that awesome vid to the jezebel tips email days ago and I don't think it's been posted...so many other blurred lines parodies, but this one was MADE for jezebel. I am baffled that they haven't picked it up yet.

This site just seems like a gratitude journal done with social media.