
Hi, are you me? :)

I'm sorry, that sucks.

Aww what a little sweetheart! I hope he's microchipped and they can find his family.

I find clonazepam is the most helpful thing for my flying anxiety by far.

I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. That sucks.

Whenever I have trouble getting rid of things, I like to read decluttering blogs and books for inspiration, and also watch clips of hoarders to scare me straight. *shudder*

I'm so sorry :( Losing a pet is brutal. I have lost 4 dogs over the years and fuck anyone who says "it's just a dog". They're family; it rips a hole in your heart when they're gone. I was so traumatized when my childhood dog died that I didn't get as attached to the next 3 family dogs, but after a few years

I'm an INTJ (didn't try the link but have done the MB test a few times before). I find the descriptors fit me really well.

I think sometimes when people say "hey we aren't all like that" it's not necessarily from a defensive position (although it often is); sometimes I think people are trying to convey "hey I think that sucks too; I'm on your side"...but it certainly doesn't come across well...

I second Veganomicon; it's a great cookbook. My favourite recipes in there are a plantain and pinto bean stew with parsnip fries on the side, and a black bean and mango quinoa salad.

I've read different cut-offs too and have settled on calling myself an X-Y hybrid.

That was my reaction exactly.

Now playing

Have you seen the youtube videos of goats screaming? So freaky!

Watching that adorable little guy my heart just squee'd so hard it nearly exploded from cute overload.

My rice cooker was cheap but it sucks. It has a stupid lid that just sits on top of it like a pot instead of having a locking lid, so it splatters everywhere. I can't recommend a good affordable one, but I can recommend not buying a rice cooker from a western company that makes coffee makers and sandwich toasters.

I love quinoa. My fav is the blend of 3 different colours (black, red, white) - it's so pretty in salads and it tastes a little more nutty than plain white quinoa. I cook it in my rice cooker and it always comes out nice and fluffy.

Have you tried just throwing it into a rice cooker? So much easier than cooking it on the stove and it comes out perfect every time.

I have found that with both lentils and quinoa, it depends on where I buy it from. Some stuff seems to be really sandy / have lots of rocks in it. Maybe try a different brand?

Above average can be really uncomfortable for some of us ladies. I'd take below average any day of the week.