
I had dogs growing up, always. Totally heartbreaking to lose them, and I wasn't sure I wanted to put myself through that again. And indeed they are so much work, so expensive, so much time and dedication, (and then there's the poop). But when you're used to having them around, home just seems way too quiet and

Well, I've reached my WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!!??!? limit for this evening. I love Jez but it doesn't take long on this website...too many stories that make me want to tear my hair out.

that is a brutally unflattering dress.

they just use a syringe of warm water.

From that description, he sounds like a child molester.

someone needs a visit from Spandy Andy.

First Bill O'Reilly chastizing the "million moms" for trying to get Ellen fired, now Evil Dick supports gay marriage...next you're going to tell me that these asshole conservatives are 3 dimensional, complicated human beings stuffed full of contradictions just like everyone else. Someone get me some smelling salts.

now whenever I read career advice about "following your passion", I'll think of this guy.

I had some text tattooed on my wrists a couple of years ago. I like it, but I feel self-conscious about it. I underestimated how irritating and weird it would be that everyone is always trying to read you. Argh.

there was a great article in HBR last month that relates to that (empowering your employees), called "first, let's fire all the managers:

Common-law hubby and I have semi-combined finances. My salary used to be a little higher than his, now his salary is a little higher than mine (and I dislike that, ha).

UGH, my mother always flushes with my toilet seat up when she visits, and it grosses me out! i have tried to get this information across but it just doesn't seem to stick.

this is totally me. poo molecules! ack! i always, always close the lid. and god i hate those auto-flushers. they always flush while i'm still on there and it startles me! not to mention they flush like some powerful vortex spewing poo molecules of zillions of previous users. UGH!

UGH, GROSS. I guess you know how they ended up with diarrhea.

ugh, me three. assholes are for shitting. i don't think i'd feel comfortable eating one even after it was scrubbed with bleach.

i think sometimes if wait times are too long (as in, a doctor has certified that waiting that long will cause you irreversible harm) or if a procedure can't be done in province, the provincial health care system will for care out of province or out of country. you have to pay up front and apply to be reimbursed.

seriously, me too. i can't comprehend how a country that bills itself as the best country in the world could let people go without health care.

i thought america was built on rugged individualism.

unfortunately, i think the people making the rules are the ones who can afford any medical care they want/need so they aren't forced into any understanding or empathy on the situation.

i think that noticing the nice things that people do and expressing appreciation is as important as doing nice things. even with little everyday things..."hey thanks for feeding the dogs." feeling appreciated is good for a happy union.