the period-free is absolutely the most awesome thing about merina. i am hesitant to get another one but the period-free wonderfulness is literally the one and only thing making me reconsider.
the period-free is absolutely the most awesome thing about merina. i am hesitant to get another one but the period-free wonderfulness is literally the one and only thing making me reconsider.
that really sucks! what could you be allergic to in it?
what is this gynoflex you speak of? my googling has failed me.
birth control (and medication in general) isn't covered as part of Canada's public health care system. it's covered in most health insurance plans, but the insurance from my employer only covers the pill. no matter that IUDs - if they work out - are way more cost-effective in the long run than the pill. no matter…
unless something goes horribly wrong with the procedure... #timetosue
I have thought about tubal ligation but I'm nervous about the possibility of post-tubal ligation syndrome. I'm not even 30 yet and don't want to spend my life with mysterious malaise. I asked my doctor about that and he said it is a problem for a lot of women...from reduced blood-flow to the ovaries or something. I…
Sounds like someone's been snorting the pastry flour.
I know right? Reading on the toilet will only lead to a sore bum with a big red toilet-seat ring. Shit and get off the pot.
I had a similar grade 8 mispronunciation...had to read out of the biology text book and accidentally said "orgasm" instead of "organism." And then turned BEET RED. So mortifying.
I think it started out as a personal high-five for above-and-beyond service, then became expected, now you're an asshole if you don't tip for everything. I tip for terrible haircuts and shitty restaurant service because I feel like a horrible human being if I don't.
I fully agree. It's getting insane. Stop the madness!
I always tip for sit-down restaurant service, haircuts, spa stuff, taxis, movers. I've never even thought to tip a bus driver here, nor the dog groomer, and I consider my registered massage therapist a health care professional...I don't tip my doctor either. And I've never tipped for a tattoo or piercing.
I totally want an electricity-generating exercise bike with a built-in computer workstation. That would be so rad.
don't worry, i'm taking lots of antioxidant supplements to help counteract the life-shortening effects of my unhappy workplace :D
where do they find these people?!
i have never witnessed any cheek kissing in the office. do people do this elsewhere?
what...the that.
the 90s were definitely all glitter. hair glitter, body glitter, glittery nail polish...
i totally had (and loved) that album
any time shows are "revived" like this, the first thing it makes me think is "someone is running low on cash."