Ugh, this is why I try to travel with only a carry-on. At least they search those in front of you.
Ugh, this is why I try to travel with only a carry-on. At least they search those in front of you.
This subhuman asshole makes me wish I could strike someone dead with the power of my mind...*ehhhhh!!!*...nope, sadly it didn't work..sigh...I hate people.
For those of us who don't buy leather, the options are even sparser. There are awesome high-performance synthetics out there (think of athletic shoes) but somehow they just don't translate into comfortable cute vegan shoes. And why not? Surely it can be done. I'm glad to see some higher quality options popping up…
times like this i wish i were a lawyer so i could defend people against baseless fascist lawsuits like this.
@celery: I just wrote them a letter on their "contact us" form, which probably will go nowhere. Wish we had the address for the folks running the place, but I'm sure they'll read the blogosphere backlash.
@IamGreat: starting to think? my friend, you are late to the party by a couple of decades.
Kate's new title should entitle her to punch the paparazzi and tabloid scumsters whenever she feels the need.
@StrawberryMilkshake: "What kind of wife will Kate be to William?"
Absolutely gorgeous!
If there were a "cure a homophobe" badge in scouts you totally just sewed it on.
Trump is such an asshole. Unbelievable.
I recently read an excellent autobiography written by a psychiatry professor with bipolar. Highly recommend it!
this makes me think of Michael Jackson's nose. there's a point at which plastic surgeons should have the ethics to say NO.
my mirena IUD is a year overdue (it's been in almost 6 years). i had an ultrasound to check for placement a few weeks after it was first inserted, and again last year because i was paranoid due to pokey pain feelings that have plagued me from this thing the entire time.
me too! i need to do this with Glee as well.
I lasered my armpits this year (affordable thanks to a groupon, yay!) and it's kinda awesome. Because I only did 6 sessions (I think 8-10 is the norm?) there's still a little hair growing in but it's really fine instead of the coarse stubbly stuff. Much more comfortable and convenient now.
I didn't shave my armpits for a couple of years and although I felt a little self-conscious, I grew to love it. It was very comfortable! Unfortunately when I changed birth control I became a sweaty, reeking ball of angst, so I had to go back to shaving :(
you had better trademark that idea before someone runs with it!
Agree, the over-branded stuff like the rainbow LV is so tacky and hideous, I don't understand why they're coveted. I looked at the Chanel site and some of their bags do look classic and lovely, but some also have giant shiny logos or resemble quilted mattresses or puffy snow jackets. I don't get the quilting, but…